Ban appeal for tetra @flugs

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @flugs
How long were you banned for: 4 days

Your Steam Name
: Tetra
Your In-game Name: Riley West
Your Steam ID::STEAM_0:0:75268988

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) 3.4 - User killed a police officer in a public area while in the vicinity of a large amount of TFU. This immediately lead to his death. // Banned for Enforcer flugs
Why should this appeal be considered:
So if you look at my recent warn/ban history you can see I still don't really have a grasp of 3.4 . Dunno must just be one of my blind spots or something.

However in this situation I think I should have acted completely differently. In this situation I assumed TFU had already left however I never took the time to actually go into the rear parking and check myself. This is something I should have done in order to ensure I would have been able to successfully escape from the situation which would have preserved my life better.

During the admin sit I was completely honest about my actions to @flugs since I didnt want to take up any of his time which could have been better spent dealing with other F6’s.

In short I completely aplogise for breaking 3.4 and will ensure this does not happen again in the future.

Additional Comment(s):
I was involved in this as the TFU and I thought it was absolutely funny as fuck, especially the part where he took 3 shots to the head at the same time. I didn’t report anything.
Nobody reported it. It just so happend it was flugs who I killed
Suppose I could dispute? Since it seems like you were gone for a sufficent time. Although I suppose this stems from the fact I didnt double check.
Also who finished me off
It wasn't necessarily what you did (albeit bad), it was the fact that you've got a terrible record for 3.4 and had just come off a ban for it. You were issued a shorter ban due to your maturity in the sit but I couldn't really overlook what happened. However, I am willing to give you 1 more chance :)

Reviewed with @Super_

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