Ban Appeal - ItsVasili - @*SpaceShots*

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: This ban is to long
Which staff member banned you:
How long were you banned for: 3 Fucking days

Your Steam Name: ItsVasili
Your In-game Name: Vasili Aleksandrovitsj
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150286910

Why were you banned/blacklisted: For walking across a intersection for a joke
Why should this appeal be considered: 3 days is just too much to ban me for, you should've just banned me for 4 hours because it was said in OOC and another admin was joking along. The 3 day ban is just to long and should not be given out for a joke.

Additional Comment(s): I think its fucking bullshit that you banned me for 3 days, its like you hate having fun. Everybody was laughing and you just took the fun away. We were bored and i joked in OOC on how to get into a admin sit as fast as possible so i did that for a joke and i thought you guys could get the joke to, the other admin was joking about it as well saying disconnecting from the server while dead, so i didn't get why he took my action that serious. Everybody was killing each other and the admins in OOC where nice guys joking along with the others so i don't get why after all that he still took this serious
Well tbh i think there's no reason to apologize, the ban is too long for that
@McGlinchy Its not totally false i think a 4 hour ban is reasonable and i wouldn't make the threat but i think 3 days is too long and i don't need to apologize for that
If you're just disagreeing about the ban length then you will have to take that to a staff complaint.
@McGlinchy ffs it takes so long to make those threads 2 of them got taken down by some mods because they hate not being organized
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