Ban Appeal - Seamus - @McGlinchy

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: McGlinchy
How long were you banned for: 6 months -> Permanent -> 1 year

Your Steam Name: A E I O U (Seamus at time of ban)
Your In-game Name: Johnathan Bad
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38143127

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Mass RDM (increased to permanent for posting an image of Goofy saying “I’ll fuckin’ do it again”)
Why should this appeal be considered: It’s been nearly 8 months since my ban and it’s really given me a lot of time to think. I’ve turned 18 during my ban and in the last 7 and a half months I feel I’ve matured significantly compared to how I was at the time of my ban.

Looking back on it now all I did was ruin someone’s fun by going up to them and shooting them for no good reason, which is pretty childish in itself, but then I exacerbated things by posting a provoking meme in the shoutbox, which in retrospect wasn’t very intelligent.

Given that I’ve had to mature and reflect on things, I think I’ll be able to come back to the community and be a positive influence on people compared to April, and I hope that you’ll give me the chance to prove this.

I know it might be hard to trust someone again after they’ve done something, but offering these words, and the last seven words of this paragraph, I hope this will be enough for me to be able to prove I can play the server without being a minge. I am very sorry for my actions.

Specifically, I am sorry to McGlinchy who had to deal with me throughout the situation because I was being a minge, and I am sorry to those who I killed. If I could remember them I would post their names specifically, but the Mass RDM wasn’t done with any specific targets in mind.

There was no justification for it, regardless of any events that occurred previously.
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