Ban Appeal @TinySlayer

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban

Appeal type: Apology

Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @TinySlayer

How long were you banned for: permanent

Your Steam Name: Tyla Jai

Your In-game Name: Tyla Jai

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:56687120

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered: First of all, I'd like to begin by apologising for my actions which have affected those who were playing at the time of the incident and to the staff members who had to deal with the situation. On the basis of precedence, there have been cases where people who have hacked have been unbanned. One case includes Inchs' apology made to TinySlayer and Madda. In the additional comments, you will find a link to said apology thread. There are similar merits as to my case in which Inchs was banned for around a year and used similar hacks.

I would like to apologise again for my actions, I do know and understand that my actions had consequences and I was aware of my actions, however, now I have been gone for a year and do regret my actions; if I could change the matter at hand I would and definitely wouldn't have done what I had. I would like to express how sincere I am; my actions will not be repeated and would love to be given a second chance - at one point I was a dedicated member of the community and would like to continue to be so, I am consistently active within the community such as the forums shoutbox. I do understand that there'd be the belief of a risk I'd cheat again, however, I can ensure you this won't be repeated.

Additional Comment(s):

As one of the person's directly affected by his cheating for instance at a bank robbery.

Let's be real here, Tyla never really used his cheats extremely malicious, yes he was a massive minge, but he made the server fun for a lot of people, even the people that hated him sometimes, the things Tyla and his mates did on the server caused situations, something we are lacking now, I know tiny just probably won't unban him, but you gotta give him a chance, it's almost like you forgot how much he has also done for the community, give him a new chance

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