Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you:
How long were you banned for: Permanently

Your Steam Name
: Angeloz
Your In-game Name: Don't Remember
Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:43561833

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating Attempt
Why should this appeal be considered: About over 3 years ago I was banned for attempted cheating when joining the server. I had played with lua cheats on a few DarkRP servers with a couple of my friends with using just a public lua-bypasser and using it to run some cheats I found. I had the amazing idea of joining PERP without knowing that it would get me banned by the anti-cheat and regretted it ever since. I'm happy it never let me in the server and destroy everyone else's experience on the server by me using wallhacks/aimbots to gain an advantage over others.

I did make a few ban appeals without thinking about my actions for a few weeks after my ban which did not help my situation and made me look even more immature. I would like to apologise for my immaturity and decision to try and cheat. I would also like to apologise for my stupid comments and immaturity on the forums having amassed a ton of forum warnings and bans. I have no reason at all to try and cheat on the server again as I don't believe it would get me far and I wouldnt see any fun in cheating on the server, It was just an immature me in 2016 trying to get an advantage on others.

Additional Comment(s): I never got to experience the new PD system, weapons and other big updates the server has had during my ban and would love to re-experience some of my good memories on the server that I've had. I am truly sorry for my actions and promise to never try to cheat or gain an unfair advantage on others.
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