Ban Dispute (@aqua)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: VREDFEDE
Your Roleplay Name: andrew bandi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:520773768

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i was not banned but @Aquaa wants to ban me for killing 3 new players

Why should this appeal be considered?: These guys are new players and is clear they got nothing to do with RP cuz they are so new and did not read the rules. Everything started with me raiding them dying in the raid cuz of cops and after id prob 20 min we meet (check the first link) I kill them then I am still alive they say how they are going to kill me and how i am a pussy while they are being arested. then i will be sincere i don't remember if i died or not but it does not matter because while i was at city (hall from respawning or just being there) they go in their mini to bazaar saying how they will kill me and how i am pussy and to come after them or something like that. i go after them and see them arguing with a guy that i know (we were kinda homies because after fighting we sorted it out) and knowing i had kos and seeing one of them with a gun i shoot them trying to teach them a lesson,

anyways now i want to say what they did wrong: they talked about afterlife not respecting nlr then started shooting at me for no reason and they lied to cops saying how i shoot first in the same video and started talking OOC saying they will report me cuz they have a video of me raiding and shooting first. i really tried to be understanding but is impossible, i really don't want to get banned because of some dumb new players lying that prob don't care if they get banned, because of these guys i became harsh to new players because even tho i need to be understanding god damn is so annoying to see people like a medic trying to be cop and saying is illegal to have guns in trunk to medic reporting firefighter for performing CPR because "he is beating him" to new players rdmeing at bazaar. i will finish this text by making one request please even tho i get banned make a rule so new players can't be cops i am sick of getting rdmed

also, sorry @Aquaa if I seemed a little bit immature in the f6 i was so mad and sick of this and it was 4 am for me thx if u read until here

Additional Information:
first encounter after i raided them 2 lives ago
me killing them 01-44-40.dem first demo (main) 00-44-39.dem demo where they threaten me
Reaction score

you were demo requested, not banned. You cannot dispute a ban you haven’t received and you should be posting this in the PM instead.
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