Ban Dispute (Aquaa)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Deevegs
Your Roleplay Name: Dylan Pancho
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70177524

Why were you punished?: Because I punched an officer 3 times

Why should this appeal be considered?: The original f6 was made regarding me not complying under gunpoint (the officers mic was muted during this entire interaction; this was made clear in the officers f6). Once I was put under gunpoint I complied and put my fists away. I was the only person punished in this situation, the people fighting in front of the officer were not punished, the other person who punched the officer was also not punished.

Additional Information: Aquaa and I have an in game and OOC history and has made it clear that he does not like me. I feel like he was fishing for a ban against me given he banned me for something not related to the original report. I find it unreal that this interaction could justify a ban let alone a 3-week ban
So do you agree or disagree you broke the rules? If you feel like he is targeting you or only issued you a punishment cause of your history, make a staff complaint however what exactly are you disputing here?
I am disagreeing that I broke the rules in this situation. If it's found that I did break the rules, I can count 3 others in that situation alone that should be punished as well.
I am disagreeing that I broke the rules in this situation.
“Makes sense, again I apologize. I thought it was justified at the time, evidently it wasnt” - This is word by word what you said in the report. I explained the rulebreak to you very clearly and even copy pasted the part of the rule that your situation pertained to.

Why did you understand and agree with the rulebreak but now you think you didn’t break any rules?
Aquaa and I have an in game and OOC history and has made it clear that he does not like me. I feel like he was fishing for a ban against me given he banned me for something not related to the original report.

This is untrue. I have no problem with you OOC. However, you and your friends have made it clear that you seemingly have an issue with me so you were banned and chat blacklisted for violating basic conduct rules.

I would also like to add on that it was related to the report, he said that you were punching him for no reason and stalled under GP. He then mentioned that his mic was muted so he wasn’t issuing you any commands, so I dropped that (as I informed you in the report) and proceeded to investigate the only other accusation made in the report.

It should also be known that the other person who was punching the officer also had a report opened with them, but they were AFK and I received no response so I instructed the same reporter to make an action request so we can continue to investigate the situation.

Everything that I said is immediately verifiable through our report logs.
Also, the first message in the report was me explicitly telling you both of the things you were being reported for, so I am unsure how you’re unironically saying im fishing for a reason to ban you because I banned you over something that wasn’t even in the original report when it clearly was lol