Ban Dispute (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: lewis dad
Your Roleplay Name: lewis elloit
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:635484648

Why were you punished?: 3.4, 3.21 - User failed to comply with commands to open a door and stop talking several times. Instead, he began questioning a raider about their involvement believing they may have broken NLR / Raid timer. He was killed as a result.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Let us start with this: I came outside my door and was gunpointed, so I put my hands up. and he still opened the door that he requested. That is the first thing I did because I was banned for failing to do so, but I clearly did open the door after they asked. You can still hear in the video that I did not try to stop talking, so I just said "okey." I admit that I was wrong, but I opened the door because I truly wanted to work with them because I did not want to break the rules, and I just said "okey" in the heat of the moment, so they know I am listening. and not like going against them i admit its stupid but heat of the moment and a 1-month ban are really steap i open the door i put my hands up i did what they asked then they tell me tho shut up so i just said ' okey ' and i get a 1 month ban form that also i would like to point out that i donthave any warns or bans for 3.21 i only have bans for 3.4 and i think i mayby deserve a punishment but the admin did not take everything and the clip in tho acount

Additional Information:
You're twisting the ban reason into your own thing, you were banned because you were told several times to stop talking, and what made it worse is that you were ignoring a direct order to open the bathroom door just so you could question the guy about him possibly being involved in a rulebreak which obviously isn't appropriate during an RP situation, especially under gunpoint.
yea but it was a heat in the moment i would have open that bathroom door if they kept me alive you can see in the clip they ask me tho open bedroom door so i did and then i admit i made a mistake and tried arguaing with sombody i was wrong then they tell me tho shut up or il die and i only said okey like okey i understand like i would have open that bathroom door there wasnt even anything in there like i put my hands up i open bedroom door why woudnt i open the bathroom and i really was just saying okey nothing els as you can see in the clip man your twisting it making me look like i was doing it on purpose while i was not
and giving a 1 month ban for just asking sombody a wher you not raiding me 5 mins ago is way out of proportion in my openion i was really trying to follow the rules man i asked what they did and when they gunpoint me to shut up all i said was okey and i admit it was a mistake but you can hear i wasnt trying tho keep talking i just said okey like i understand il shut up

You were told to "shut the fuck up" and you in fact did not "shut the fuck up" so in essence, you essentially fucked around and found out.
From your dispute it seems you have more of an issue with the length aswell, I would recommend making a staff complaint if you disagree with the length however the validity of the ban reasoning was deemed fine.

Reviewed with @Headline @HuskyD0G & @3izu
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