Ban Dispute (Bojing)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Bojing
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: binsiebenimladen
Your Roleplay Name: Franklin Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422171747

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - Killed a user after mugging them

Why should this appeal be considered?: From my pov it looked pretty obvious that he was trying to run away especially when he turned around the corner. We even told him to stay there and i was watching him continue to run to a spot where he would then try running away which i instantly reacted to by killing him.
If you’ve already mugged the guy and are about to raid his property, what did you stand to gain from gunning them down?
-Involved in sit
So when me and the rest of legacy pull up to Parker we see Malek,standing on top of a transit van and gunpoint him,the other boys ziptie him while we debate what we are gonna use to get in. After cops showed up we begin KOSing them, Franklin tells omar to come to him near the gate, to my knowledge Omar complys but then begins running toward the side gate in which Franklin shot him down.
If you’ve already mugged the guy and are about to raid his property, what did you stand to gain from gunning them down?
We mugged him, Then eduardo coxk pointed a gun at him telling him to "stay here" which malek didnt comply to and continued running which is why i killed him
im sorry, but is my dispute even being dealt with atm? it's been almots a week since i've made this appeal and still no answer from the guy who originally banned me
sorry for sending it late. My internet was being dogshit and going at max 50kb/s. Here it is

I'll get back to you shortly of your demo as I have reviewed it so I can get some other opinions, @MalekIsWeird where were you exactly wanting to run to after being told to stay there? I know the fence gate was closed so not like you could actually run anywhere, however I feel like you weren't exactly staying 'here'.
I'll get back to you shortly of your demo as I have reviewed it so I can get some other opinions, @MalekIsWeird where were you exactly wanting to run to after being told to stay there? I know the fence gate was closed so not like you could actually run anywhere, however I feel like you weren't exactly staying 'here'.

I'll begin by providing my perspective which will substantiate all my claims to follow

0:26 I was ordered by Eduardo to come down after Jack had planted a bomb where he wants me to come towards.

I proceed by complying completely. Then I run away as far as possible from the bomb as to not die by it, the bomb destroys my car when I was not related at all to the scene. I was not a defender nor a raider but my car got destroyed by Jack Locks' bomb after I was mugged by them. Bomb goes off and I am in direct eyesight of the defenders where I believe my life is now at risk so to avoid the inevitable shootout I try to run away.


We mugged him, Then eduardo coxk pointed a gun at him telling him to "stay here" which malek didnt comply to and continued running which is why i killed him
This is false because as clearly shown Eduardo said nothing audible. Furthermore Eduardo asked @Bojing and @Bnje about my actions and the punishment Bojing delivered. He argued with them with an aggressive and resentful tone then got told by them that if my actions to run away were justified even if I was ordered to stay it is not reasonable to expect me to stay in the open in that area because if I stay my life is at risk and if I don't stay at least I have a chance as a ziptied unarmed man at neutralizing any chance of being crossfired.

What's interesting is at


I get shot for running to a closed off area, albeit I actually forgot that that area had a gate which is why I turned around to go around it but when I turn around, Franklin shot me dead for presumably "running away and disobeying orders."

The decision to shoot me there seems like his expectation was that I should stay out in the open literally without cover rather than atleast take cover or evacuate which is putting my life at risk.
you would also be risking your life by not complying under orders while under gunpoint. u could have asked one of us to get u to a safe spot instead of not saying anything and just attempting to run away. I also didn't know if sanchez was whispering or not since i was in a TS with him so it sounds clear to me. (Common sense makes me think that he's speaking normally instead of whispering which i wouldn't know) so i can't rly do anything about that since i cant see if he was whispering or not.
you would also be risking your life by not complying under orders while under gunpoint
When Eduardo supposedly "told me to stay where I was" you all turned away to face the defenders you were raiding and not actively gunpointing me.

u could have asked one of us to get u to a safe spot instead of not saying anything and just attempting to run away.
It's ironic you say that because the only "safe spot" without me running away was the place that I went to where I was shot anyway. asking you was impossible cause all of you run far away from my speaking distance and had I stayed at the location of a shootout in zipties I am either prone to a defender accidentally killing me either via wallbang or mistaking me for a raider or being crossfired by the gunfire between your group and police when they come.

At this point it seems like you're just attempting to justify an order that would result in me breaking 3.4 had I not did what I did because had I not attempted to run away twice (once from the bomb that would have killed me and a second when I was in front of the blown open door and in the area of the raid) I would be endangering my self.
Could you not have moved here?
Seems like a safeish spot away from the gunfire in a clear spot where Cops can see you clearly ziptied.Also a Bomb would not reach that far which means you would be safe from the bomb that i placed down.
Could you not have moved here?
Seems like a safeish spot away from the gunfire in a clear spot where Cops can see you clearly ziptied.Also a Bomb would not reach that far which means you would be safe from the bomb that i placed down.
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Not only is that still in the area of an active shootout but also when cops come it will be even more of a danger to my life with bullets flying around me. Furthermore when Eduardo "told me to stay where I was," (which at this very moment is no more than baseless claim without any evidence to substantiate) Franklin was aiming to shoot me as soon as I moved therefore hiding there or attempting to would have just got me killed anyways.
and like i said instead of not saying anything expecting us to think that you are running because of safety reasons, u could have told us to put you in a safe spot instead of just trying to run away without saying a single word turning towards eduardo while he is walking away to make sure he isnt watching you.

Your actions weren't justified, as seen from both perspectives @MalekIsWeird did not hear what Eduardo said since he was in whisper it's evident from looking at Malek's POV. In spite of Malek not hearing Eduardo, Malek wouldn't be able to do anything whatsoever as the fence gate was closed and he was also Ziptied.

It was unnecessary for him to be killed, if you really wanted him to stay you should have made a better effort by making CLEAR commands to him informing him to stay put rather than immediately executing him.

Since no commands were heard by Malek, it was smart of him to try and leave the area as a shootout was happening. As he would be adhering to rule 3.6 - Stay Alive.

Reviewed with @A1L @Sindarin
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