Ban Dispute (@CLARKY)

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Reaction score
your mom
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute Reporter Clip My clip Picture of him gunpointing someone else while i was backing up
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@CLARKY
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Swifter
Your Roleplay Name: Ava Swifter
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User failed to comply under gunpoint by a police officer and pulled out a gun. Excessive record regarding 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: I dispute this as i didn't break 3.4. I was backing away from officer who was obviously targeting another person and not me making it able for me to get back. Then as I was backing up instead of saying hands up he just started screaming why are you running away. stop running away repeatedly. Afterwards I was behind the vehicle able to run back and pull my weapon. Rather Clarky says it's bad cover and acted terribly on it. when as long as there is cover that can protect you it doesn't count as 3.4. Also 3.4 guidelines says if you have a barrier or anything that can protect you can break the act of gunpoint and able to shoot him as long as he is not directly near you shown in the clip as he wasn't. Even though he was able to see you whole. He wasn't saying. " hands up " rather than he said " why are you running away " clearly i was visible for a split second till i got behind the car and eliminated him

If you don't know what to do please review it with someone else and try to get my point.

You were very clearly at gunpoint, a gunman doesn't need a crosshair directly on you for your life to be considered at risk, if you're standing directly beside someone who's being held at gunpoint there is a clear risk to your life.
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