Ban Dispute (console)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: takman_381
Your Roleplay Name: i have no name
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:773384666

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i was just logging in

Why should this appeal be considered?: hello dear staff. My name is dunja i just bought garry mod because of my brother. Beacause he said that it is a good game and fun game. But we play on the same laptop my parents dont have much money. And the sever said that i was banned so my brother checked on this site and there it was i was perm banned bcs i wass using my brothers account but i didnt i have proof that im a girl and that i just bought gmod. And i know that my brother is banned for 3 days. But i have proof that im his sister if the staff the staff wants a picture of me i could send but not here only in a private chat because its my privacy.

Additional Information: can a staff member please fix this for me so that i can play.
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I am assuming this is a dispute not an apology so I have changed it to one.
So for clarity
  • You play on the same PC as him
  • You play in the same household
You said you used his 'account', so I am confused here, do you both have your own steam accounts or do you share a steam account
we play on the same pc but we have different accounts, I have a old laptop which i think can maybe run gary mod but im not so sure bcs it has a 6th gen i5
my english is very bad sorry
sorry my english is bad.

If you speak Arabic, I can help translate for Sindarin to provide a way for both of you to understand each other better.

If Arabic isn’t your language, try google translate. You copy a words and paste in. It can go from English to your language and from your language back to English.
I dont speak arabic but i speak serbian and dutch but my dutch is better.
I dont speak arabic but i speak serbian and dutch but my dutch is better.

google translate for dutch to english

just click the arrows going opposite ways to swap. Incase you don't understand just use the link below for english to dutch so you can translate english into dutch:
I will unban your account, if one of you is banned the other should not play, so you should both try and follow the rules : D
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