Ban Dispute (Dog)

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Reaction score
The Netherlands
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Dog
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent
Your Roleplay Name: Jinx | Celion | 正義
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.4 - User attempted to kill two police officers for confiscating their knife, and then disconnected after a report was made with them

Why should this appeal be considered?: I think it should be mostly reconsidered for 1.6 & 2.5 , I do agree with 3.4.
I was unaware of a report being made against me, I had no clear indication that a report was made against me at the time of my death. (After reading other disputes this seems to be an on-going issue where people seem to miss the alert for the report)
To recap the sitation, I was going to the toilet as soon as I died and when I got back I wasn't revived but not yet on a black screen either so I waited untill the screen was black (Full Death).
Now if I may trust the hints/texts at the top of a screen when dead it does say I have to stay inside the server as long as the change to be revived (which I did), then when the screen turned black I disconnected as I thought this was fine (not knowing a report was made).
I would've stayed and answered the report if the notifications where a bit more obvious especially when dead (maybe a feature to add in the future to prevent these mistakes) I am aware about the Red Text Notification within ooc chat but as listed above i did not see this.
This was a genuine mistake and I would have stayed knowing a report was made (at the time in the situation I did not expect a report to be made).

--- Now for `2.5, I partly agree Partly have to disagree due the situation and the person involved.
The arresting officer was already toxic with me due to a prior experience that happened earlier last night where he got shot by a "Random Sweater Guy" (Reffering to a new player) when arresting me after I ran off a little bit (not far).
This individual (Cop) was then directly toxic within OOC chat about the situation but I ignored it thinking he just had a bad day not knowing it would bite me in the ass later.
Therefor I have to disagree with 2.5 as I feel like the officer was more targeting people at/around the bazaar due to the previous event(s) there, instead of actually doing his job.
I wouldn't have made a problem of it if it was any other cop, or maybe just handled differently as a whole.

I hope this may makes you reconsider the ban for 1.6 and maybe the 2.5, I do agree with 3.4.

Additional Information: For enhancement of the report system (F6)
When a player is dead and a report is made against them, have a big screen (prefferably red) on the middle of their screen that they have to interract with (like the AFK check screen) that says "A report has been made against you, Please wait and stay to answer this report in F6"

Edit : As addition i wanted to add that this is both a dispute and apology, but 2/3 (1.6 & 2.5) dispute and 1/3 (3.4) apology therefor chosen for the option dispute.
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This individual (Cop) was then directly toxic within OOC chat about the situation but I ignored it thinking he just had a bad day not knowing it would bite me in the ass later.
Therefor I have to disagree with 2.5 as I feel like the officer was more targeting people at/around the bazaar due to the previous event(s) there, instead of actually doing his job.
I wouldn't have made a problem of it if it was any other cop, or maybe just handled differently as a whole.
Which officer are you talking about and please provide evidence of this.

As addition i wanted to add that this is both a dispute and apology, but 2/3 (1.6 & 2.5) dispute and 1/3 (3.4) apology therefor chosen for the option dispute.
For now we'll only look into the dispute part of the 1.6 & 2.5, you'll be able to make an apology after this dispute has been handled.
Right so I'm the officer he is talking about. I was not directly toxic in OOC as i record everything i do and this is what he is referencing. The situation where i was apparently toxic happened an hour before the current situation where you got your ban. All i said was he was being a pain in the ass. i never directly went after you in OOC and quite frankly i was more annoyed with the random sweater shooting me but he technically had a right to as you were going to jail for 9.2 or 9.5 im about to leave for work so im not going through my recording that deep at this moment. I do have the text chat to show what i said in OOC. If I'm remembering correctly that was the last time we had any kind of interaction until a hour later when you tried to murder us for 0 reason whatsoever. I was dealing with a crowd of people at Bazzar and then getting gunned down by a sweater who in my opinion was shooting me for the hell of it because that is what sweaters do. I didn't report him as i said above what you were under arrest for which means he technically had the right to do so. It did annoy me but i let it go after having a F6 chat with Bojing( i believe) which he can back up if need be. No one ever talked to me about my OOC message either which there were multiple staff members on at the time if it truly was toxic then it would've been handled.

I had responded all over the city with the moderator in question as i was doing an OR with him which he and his profile on PLPD online can back up. We did have to respond to bazaar multiple times as multiple shootings took place. We did also deal with situations at Regals and at those factories behind bazzar to so i definitely was doing my job. When we confronted you at Bazzar the only thing i said to you was drop the knife which you failed to do under GP btw and then decided to call us a bitch and run away in cuffs after we detained you risking getting yourself a prison sentence over us taking a knife from you and letting you go. I'm failing to see how you can connect the two situations and claim i was basically targeting you and other people at Bazzar which is strongly not the case.

Right so I'm the officer he is talking about. I was not directly toxic in OOC as i record everything i do and this is what he is referencing.
Thank you for replying yourself, I really appreciate this.
This is indeed the message that we felt came over toxic right after the situation that happened, this may have been a wrong interpretation of how you meant it as text dont really show emotions with it, so I can't blame you only ourselves if it was not meant as toxic, but maybe just a slight bit of frustration.
i never directly went after you in OOC and quite frankly i was more annoyed with the random sweater shooting me but he technically had a right to as you were going to jail for 9.2 or 9.5
No true, we thought the message was more because of the situation as a whole. (I am saying "We" as it was pointed out to me by someone else that was in that situation)
If I'm remembering correctly that was the last time we had any kind of interaction until a hour later when you tried to murder us for 0 reason whatsoever.
If I'm not mistaken it was once near PD after all officers died at bazaar but my memory could be failing me here, please check this on your recording (I tried to do it with DemoUI but I keep scuffing that up)
I was dealing with a crowd of people at Bazzar and then getting gunned down by a sweater who in my opinion was shooting me for the hell of it because that is what sweaters do.
Yes, There was indeed a crowd, And no the sweater was hanging out with us.
No one ever talked to me about my OOC message either which there were multiple staff members on at the time if it truly was toxic then it would've been handled.
I Personally don't like making F6 reports other then if I feel like something like pure RDM or anything along those lines happen, I get it that most people have a bad day and always try to see the best in people. The message may have been without any toxicity and may have been just received wrongly on our end So my apologies for that.
When we confronted you at Bazzar the only thing i said to you was drop the knife which you failed to do under GP btw
Yes this was my bad, And i do take full blame for this. I thought putting it away was enough.

then decided to call us a bitch and run away in cuffs after we detained you risking getting yourself a prison sentence over us taking a knife from you and letting you go.
I'm not gonna lie I was slightly frustrated at this point, It is wrong for me to use those kind of words eventhough i mean no harm with them, I guess things like pig or things would've been better and more fitting in RP, I did not mean to call you as person a bitch but more in the whole rp scenario. Therefor I genuinly am sorry if you thought I meant it to you straight as a person instead of to you as RP Character.
I'm failing to see how you can connect the two situations and claim i was basically targeting you and other people at Bazzar which is strongly not the case.
All and all for me it felt like this, I'm sorry if this was not the case, From my end the first situation OOC message was received as a toxic/frustrated message (My bad for interperating it like that).

However i do want to thank you for leaving a post here about the situation as I feel like if I messaged you about the OOC upfront how you meant it then it wouldn't have happened as I feel that it was just miscomunication from my end.

You are in the right here and I am in the wrong for the part of me claiming you would target the people at bazaar, I just felt that way due to how I read the OOC message.
I Genuinely hope it did not ruin your experience for the rest of the evening as in the end we all play perpheads to chill and relax, therefor I will do my best to not let these situations happen again.
Thank you @gamerdanger99 and I hope you have a great day at work.
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