Ban Dispute (Draxenシ)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Draxenシ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Lewisss
Your Roleplay Name: Lewis Free
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7313738

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6 - User lied about a situation on what items he stole from another player and disconncted to avoid being caought.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I informed the admin that I dropped what I had taken, I said to the admin that I had used the wrenches, I was asked how much money I had taken from the person, but I didnt know as it occured a while ago, I informed the admin that I needed to go and he said he would call me back if needed, I was told id be warned for it which I had accepted. Then I left as I needed to go.

Additional Information: This is my first ban which origniated from my first warning from a robbery, I can bank transfer money for the lost items to the person if needed.

Edit - The warning was for 5.1

Some sort of oversight of the situation would suffice greatly in the form of evidence.

I've contacted draxen for more information.
Can you also explain:

- Why you claimed you used all the wrenches, but you in reality stored half of them in your friends Nissan Skyline.
- Why you only returned the stolen soda, salmon, and stimpacks, but kept the bandages, wrenches that were stored, and phone.
- What urgent situation you would have in the middle of the night that would require you to immediately leave mid admin sit, despite no real resolution being met beyond some items returned.
I got pulled into the sit a good while after the incident happened. So I couldn't remember what exact items I had taken, I returned what I knew was not mine, I had asked the admin how much but he didn't know either.

I had forgotten that I had stored the wrenches in the skyline as I previously mentioned that a while had passed since the mugging compared to the admin sit. I don't exactly remember how many bandages and such I had on me. I was playing the game and enjoying my night with some friends. I had mostly forgotten about the mugging after about 20 minutes and could only remember what I knew I did not have and do not carry usuaully. For this I apologise and have already offered to compensate the individual for the loss of items, I can give the money to an admin to give to the individual.

For me leaving, I had acknowledged I had received a warning, the admin said he would contact me if needed, but I couldnt stay on the server for long and didn't know how long it would take or if he would contact me at all, I was never explicitly told to stay on the server, just that I would be contacted if needs be, for which once again I apologise.

This was my first warning for a rule break on the server, I was still trying to understand how the rule worked, I acknowledged my mistake and offered compensation as a resolution.
Send the last demo file so I can verify that you were told you could leave when you did.
He didn't say I could or couldn't leave, he just said he'd contact me if needs be, but I couldn't wait for the off chance that he would need to talk to me as it was late at night. I can still send the demo if you need it, but there wasn't anything said about it
You should've most likely made a report if you needed to go, and it was only 20 minutes in between of the mugging and you being pulled into the admin sit. It was also only been a minute before you disconnected after dropping some stuff on the roof, so you no doubt should've said to Draxen that you needed to go as not al of the items were returned.

You still need to return the following:

4 Wrenches - 2 wrenches are in большой мальчик's Nissan Skyline R34, and you had used one and the other one dropped.
6 Bandages - you should still have on you
1 Smartphone - you should still have on you
That's no problem, I can return the items and purchase those that I no longer have, and then give them to the individual or to a staff member once I can log on.
That's no problem, I can return the items and purchase those that I no longer have, and then give them to the individual or to a staff member once I can log on.

After asking Draxen for a bit more information regarding this situation, it seems like you had said that the items you had dropped was all of the items you had mugged of the user as Draxen was having a hard time finding the logs for it, you still shouldn't of disconnected. Please reply regarding this and then I will come to a verdict.
As I mentioned earlier, I had forgotten what items were the users, I had dropped what I knew not to be mine and did not know how much cash I had taken from the user, I can only apologise for disconnecting, I had wrongly assumed that the situation was over as I had been warned and would be contacted via report if anything else was needed. I know it may have seemed that I was trying to lie and run away, but I had been playing for a while and it was late at night, I just wanted to head off for the night. I had no intention to lie at all, I just didn't seem to think what items I had taken other than the ones I had dropped to Draxen. Like I had mentioned previously, this was my first warning on the server after nearly 2 days playtime for a rule I didn't fully understand but I do now. No matter what verdict you come to, thanks for taking the time to read and reply to the appeal.

As admitted by yourself in the latest reply, you left the server while being involved in an administrative situation therefore the ban is valid. You will still need to return the items once you're unbanned.
@A1L @SamSN @3izu
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