Ban Dispute (eeza)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @eeza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: krypticxchronic
Your Roleplay Name: Mike Nolsey
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:179521144

Why were you punished?: for killing somebody trying to assassinate the mayor

Why should this appeal be considered?: : i was secrete service and the mayor had over 30 death threats.... so i was on edge trying to protect him there was a man that i threatened at gunpoint 5 times to get away from the motorcade.... he kept pushing his luck so i killed him... simple as that. i dont feel like i broke any rules as a secret service as the mayor was being threatened with his life. and i warned this guy 5 times to get away from the vehicle
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You are failing to address the guy you beat with the baton after you respawned and broke your NLR Timer, roughly 10 seconds before I pulled you onto the roof.

Also, you claim this person broke gunpoint and you have video evidence, yet failed to provide this anywhere, not even in this dispute.

You keep changing between having evidence and not having any.

If you can simply provide me a video showing what you said was true I can simply deal with it as I see, but as of yet you still haven't provided this video you claim to have.

You must provide evidence for a dispute.

Might be a good time to send the video on this dispute.
i never once claimed i had a video of it dont know where u got that from... like where did i say i had video of it??? im just playing for fun did not break any rules and got banned... yes the second guy i killed punched me and i had a baton while i respawned at city hall trying to run away to comply with new life rule... he then punched me again so i dropped him with the baton
You are failing to address the guy you beat with the baton after you respawned and broke your NLR Timer, roughly 10 seconds before I pulled you onto the roof.

Also, you claim this person broke gunpoint and you have video evidence, yet failed to provide this anywhere, not even in this dispute.

You keep changing between having evidence and not having any.

If you can simply provide me a video showing what you said was true I can simply deal with it as I see, but as of yet you still haven't provided this video you claim to have.

You must provide evidence for a dispute.

Might be a good time to send the video on this dispute.
i respawned at city hall where i died protecting the mayor and IMMIDIATLY ran away while a guy was punching me so when i got out of NLR i dropped him
like how does nlr apply when i respawn 5 feet away from where i died i tried to run away while being attacked
As stated above by Ezza, before this dispute is going to be even remotely considered, you will need to provide evidence of the incident. Regardless of whether you have the video or not, the server uses the demo system to automatically record your game. If you are unsure how to access your demo file, this guide here will show you how to access and provide it:

You can use to upload your demo or any other file sharing website and send the link here.