Ban Dispute (Efan)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Goblin
Your Roleplay Name: Priti Nightfall
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:200951260

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User initiated a counter-raid by shooting officers. User took no precautions to make sure officers weren't on the scene such as looking out his window.

Why should this appeal be considered?: We heard a bomb go off my friend went first he started shooting he died and in my POV I couldn't see a police car and there was a pistol cop besides a car but in my POV it didn't seem like a cop which at first I thought it was a flanker which resulted my friend dying, but it was cop I don't know why I couldn't see the cop clearly I could barely see he was even there that's why I killed him assuming it was a flanker with black clothes which resulted killing my friend, the other reason was that I didn't knew cops were lurking was because no sirens, no car and no sight of cop which I thought there was no cops...

Thanks for spedning reading my ban disupute
What do you say about Efan’s reply?

Why didn’t you try to look out the window to see if there was any properly before thinking it was a flanker? You should at least make sure before just randomly opening fire and trying to counter raid
What do you say about Efan’s reply?

Why didn’t you try to look out the window to see if there was any properly before thinking it was a flanker? You should at least make sure before just randomly opening fire and trying to counter raid
As I mentioned above, I took a look at first from the balcony I didn't saw any cops around and then my friend got killed and in the clip provided, you couldn't tell it was a cop as I mentioned above I thought it was a flanker being besides his car shooting which the person shooting was a cop and I couldn't tell it was a cop as you can see from the clip.
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I can understand you didn't do anything until after your friend was actually shot and your friend did initiate it first, how did you guys communicate that you wanted to counter raid exactly? Was this done by organisation chat? Your friend should've at least investigated before just randomly shooting someone in the parking lot
I can understand you didn't do anything until after your friend was actually shot and your friend did initiate it first, how did you guys communicate that you wanted to counter raid exactly? Was this done by organisation chat? Your friend should've at least investigated before just randomly shooting someone in the parking lot
I was about to go solo counter raid but he came also, when I was on balcony or something I opened my phone if I remember and was about to pressmy teamspeak bind but he died, May I also ask how could I investigated when I couldn't see any signs of a cop?
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I have discussed with Efan and because your friend was the one who initiated it and you did not know who he was shooting at or who was shooting at him, we do not fault you and do not believe you necessarily broke 3.4.

Your ban will be removed
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