Ban Dispute (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Jonka
Your Roleplay Name: Jonka Jennings
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53505121

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I broke rule 3.4, 1.1, 1.3

Why should this appeal be considered?: The situation played out like this from my perspective. I spawned in on the edge of the townhall and walked off the edge. Upon doing this I found myself in the middle of a gunfight that was taking place, The shooters were covering both of the exits and so instead of running into gunfire and the line of fire I crouched down and got in the middle so at the very least I was at the mercy of the shooters rather than dead. ellie saw the and went into admin mode and slayed me which in this situation I think was unnecessary as even if I had broken rule 3.4 the roleplay still could have played out with minimal disruption instead of everyone immersion being broken when my character went limp. I do not think I broke rule 3.4 I took appropriate action to ensure that my life was as safe as it possibly could be, upon being challenged by ellie she showed me a clip of her perspective which validated the claim I had made. However, they ignored this and continued to push the story that I intentionally got in this situation despite me spawning 2 seconds ago. All throughout this report I wasn't listen to and this did lead me to become disrespectful, I'm not trying to justify this behaviour but it does become difficult to tolerate a staff member that will not listen to you and just bans you. Hopefully at the very least this ban serves as an example of 3.4 being a subjective rule that restricts rp and should be worded better. If you want people to act in an exact specific way, maybe its best to lay out how a player should react to every situation.

Additional Information: Like I said, yes I was disrespectful. I was driven to this by the fact that I wasn't being listen to and was just banned after being in a report for 1 1/2 hours over something that wasn't that big of a violation all in all. I'm disappointed that I came back after 6 months just to be slapped with a 3 day ban for 1 rule break, and not even that clear or a rule break, due to the nature of 3.4 (being subjective)
For a dispute u should have evidence too back up your point so if u have a clip of what happened upload it and link it on here for the admins
Yeah don't have that so, more so writing this because of the way this was handled was unprofessional on the staff's side

Footage was provided to us of the situation and it is clear you deliberately ran towards shots. If you had tried to run away, there would be no reason for the shooters to kill you, as you were unarmed and preserving your life. You instead chose to ignore the notify messages you were receiving.

In terms of whether you believe Ellie was being disrespectful or 'targeting' you, that is for a Staff Complaint and not for a Ban Dispute. The basis of your ban is applicable and valid.

Reviewed with @MiniRaze
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