Ban Dispute (Ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: African Joe
Your Roleplay Name: Harry Slayer
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:0

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 5.6 - User gun pointed and tried to take people in the middle of the road for no reason when police was not actively after him. They only started to pursue him after he gun pointed people.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'd like to separate this unban request into three distinct portions for easy reading.
Why I believe this judgement is wrong
Evidence within the clip to back up these claims
Refuting points raised within dms
(Dispite the fact apparently they weren't property owners. I will be calling them as such since that was the belief i was under during the altercation)

Why I believe this judgement is wrong:
The first issue i have with the ban is that I didn't randomly take them hostage, And police were actively responding to the raid, How I know this is due to the response time of the second unit. And the fact that the first car/unit pulled up to the situation before any gun was publicly visible in relation to the hostage taking and the officer was getting out of his vehicle. It would be very unlikely that a cop just happened to park up against a fence/cover during a raid which involved a lot of shouting from other parties and crowbar noises. The officer was approaching within the clip. Even besides this fact. The only reason they were gunpointed int he first place is the fact that they seemed like the owners (which apparently they weren't) since they pulled into the drive and there were weapons visibilly present on their bacl. 5.6 States that there needs to be an active benefit that outweighs risk to any hostage taking. I am successfully disarming two individuals who as property owners clearly have a reason to shoot/engage with us. They begin to drive away once gun pointed and told to remain outside of the vehicle. I walk after them due to the fact they were actively trying to flee while gunpointed. And if i let them go they would obviously just drive to a safe distance and fire upon us. Once I see the officer in view i actively tell them to drop their weapons and raise their hands. This increases my chance of escaping and surviving as the officer actively puts his weapon away. Giving me a clear chance to leave the scene in a safe manner. All of this was done to best protect my life under 3.4 which is stated as the guiding rule for 5.6. Now this is clearly a sticky situation that i was in but this action was the best one to protect my life. As shown by the fact that i managed to survive 3 full minutes after the shooting. Which is much longer than if i just let the officer chase me down and shoot me. My other acomplices who did decide to run were arrested within seconds of attempting this. Whereas i managed to avoid all police attention. Which surely classifies as successfuly escaping the scene

Clip timestamps:
You can hear the officer arrive at 27seconds. And him leaving the vehicle at 30seconds. This timing correlates to a response time from main ramp with the call that our "friend" performed. This call put us on edge and gave me the hindsight of cops being present.

51 seconds in the officer lowers his firearm. I inform him that if he follows i will shoot the hostages which buys me more time to escape. I am actively backing up as well giving me distance.

53 seconds in I begin to properly run

1 minute in i hear footsteps behind me.

1minute 7seconds i duck in for cover

1minute 12 seconds I am wounded

1minute 45 seconds I tell the officer there is a active shooter at suburbs 1 and i need help/i'm bleeding. This is in an attempt to throw cops off the scent and also allow me to be healed. This worked as his attention was redirected, but i wasn't healed sadly. This once again backs up my claim of the actions being done in accordance with 3.4 to save and value my life

About 3minutes after the shooting (roughly) I bleed out on the highway while trying to make it to the hospital. I am out of the way of ANY police cruisers or vehicles. Cops at this point are not actively looking for me and i am out of any possible danger relating to their activity

Discord points
P (point) A (Answer)
P: Why didn't i just run to begin with when the first cars showed up? Why did I gunpoint them.
A: Since they pulled into the drive it was believed they were property owners. I didn't have keys to the getaway vehicle. If I ran they could easily chase me down and shoot me.

P: Why did I assume police were responding?
A: Our friend blocked us from entering the property and called someone. We assumed he was calling the police. on top of this there was lots of noise from the crowbar and shouting over our friend blocking the door

P: Why didn't i just shoot the cop and the armed driver/s
A: I'm shit at combat. As shown. I only engage in combat as last option under 3.4.

P: Why did I assume the cars were property owners.
A: they parked at a house

P: Why did I linger round and wait for more cops
A: I was waiting for the cop to lower his gun. Not lingering. Perphead cops have crackhead aim. If I ran while his gun was up he could of shot me and killed me. I had no cover. Plus as soon as i see the other cop car pull up I run. But this is mostly due to the window of opportunity I had

P: Why did I take hostages
A: They were assumed to be the property owners. The original intent was to disarm them instead of engaging in combat . This is following 3.4 and also the fact i am shit at combat. As soon as i saw police i took them hostage/unlawful detainment since i know the charge i would get for robbing a place with a firearm is greater (6 years and 6k). I successfully used them as a bargaining chip

Additional Information: " For example, if taking a hostage will increase the chances of the player escaping the police substantially then a hostage can be taken. Players should refer to rule 3.4."
I'd like to point out that I did escape the police. When i died from bleeding out NO POLICE were present. On top of this under 3.4 I chose to take them hostage temporarily rather than shoot them (since they were armed and posed a threat) and the police. I had a higher chance of surviving which is proven by the fact that i didn't get gunned down and instead died over 3minutes after the original shooting (Roughly). I even got the officer to lower his weapon. Which provided me the chance to flee
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