Ban Dispute (3izu)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: 3izu
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: British Beef
Your Roleplay Name: Edward Vishnisky
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55425236

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4, 5.6 - Attempted to take officers hostage while there was an on-going situation. When asked to justify his actions, he stated he wanted to take officers hostage in order to gain $5000. While attempting to do so, he shot and killed a cuffed suspect and ended up going to jail for 10 years.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'm appealing because I believe that this ban wasn't justified and was excessive considering I am a new player. This incident took place during an off-peak time with a relatively small amount of people on the server. Myself and an org member based in slums apartment 3 attempted to take two officers who were clearly preoccupied and isolated which we took as an ideal moment to ambush them and take them hostage. We both had large caliber weapons with myself wielding an AK101 assault rifle with meds and bandages. We told the officers to put their hands up and one of them ran out the door with a shotgun which resulted in a firefight with a cuffed suspect attempting to run out of a door that an officer was firing through which resulted in the crossfire. Therefore I'm unsure how the crossfire could be Excessive negativity as it was the individual's own fault for attempting to flee during an active firefight and getting shot by myself and the officer. The admin argues that taking the officers hostage for a financial gain of $5000 which is the max you can receive for a hostage isn't beneficial to us and that we are risking our lives. To that, I don't understand why the maximum hostage ransom is such a low value that if you attempt to take an individual hostage it's not worth putting your life at risk. To my knowledge, a $5000 reward was substantial enough to risk your life in taking someone hostage and dealing with the aftermath.

Playing on the server before we have taken police officers, hostage, with the intent of receiving the $5000 reward and there had been no issues or reports placed and we had successfully taken an officer hostage and received money and then used the free passage to escape and then layed low. But as a result of the situation not working out I have been punished and banned for a week. I don't understand why I was banned for a week only 3 people died in the situation and I explained my knowledge of the rules as a new player and experiences from other servers and I expected this to be fine. This was intended to be a fun bit of RP at an off-peak time when not a lot was happening on the server with a low population and a hostage situation is usually fun and rewarding from both sides involved.

Additional Information:

I'm appealing because I believe that this ban wasn't justified and was excessive considering I am a new player. This incident took place during an off-peak time with a relatively small amount of people on the server
This sounds more like a staff complaint. If your staff complaint is accepted then the correct actions will be taken
in record to the ban. You CANNOT dispute the ban length, only the rulebreak you have been accused of committing, so do you wish to still dispute this?
If you are wanting to dispute, evidence NEEDs to be provided
I'm disputing the reason for the ban I don't know why I'd need evidence I just believe that the moderator's interpretation of the rules and subsequent punishment were wrong and unjust. I'm not denying anything I just don't understand how kidnapping for a ransom/ money is not beneficial and how the rule breaks were stat padded to include excessive negativity and how that would lead to a week ban.
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As you said yourself:
I just believe that the moderator's interpretation of the rules and subsequent punishment were wrong and unjust.
You don't deny doing the stuff you got banned for, therefore this ban dispute will be denied. If you believe the moderator was excessive with the severity of the punishment, you should make a staff complaint here. Just because no-one has ever made a report about it doesn't mean it is allowed.

Furthermore i'll give you some more info on how you broke the rules stated in your ban reason:

2.5 - Excessive Negativity:

2.5 Excessive Negativity​

Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

For example, it is not acceptable to:

  • Intentionally mug and target new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
  • Cause unnecessary damage to a stolen vehicle without good reason.
  • When enacting revenge on a player through the use of explosives or incendiaries, users must take precautions to ensure that uninvolved player's items are not damaged.
You tried kidnapping an officer, with the sole intention of gaining $5,000 which isn't allowed under rule 5.6, therefore you impacted their roleplay negatively. You also killed a cuffed suspect in the process, impacting his RP.

3.4 - Putting your life at risk:

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically;

A few common examples of unreasonable risks includes, but is not limited to:

  • Running on the highway without a justifiable reason
  • Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being within the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.
  • Murdering a police officer(s) to avoid yourself or others receiving a minor punishment, such as a small ticket or a minor jail sentence
  • Loitering around the scene of a crime you committed with the intention of engaging in more combat
  • To not comply with reasonable orders given under the direct threat of a lethal weapon pointed at you, such as a mugging.
  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at.
  • After committing a crime, relevant precautions should be taken to avoid arrest or police attention, such as avoiding public places.

Some valid reasons to kill police officers include:

  • Risk of a long prison sentence
  • Preventing the imminent detection of drug production.
  • Committing a violent crime police would reasonably use lethal force to apprehend you for.
As you pulled out a gun trying to get the officer to surrender, whilst he already had a gun out in passive, you risked yourself getting killed, or getting a jail sentence for 9.2, 9.5 even as you killed a guy is cuffs. So in the end possible getting $5,000 doesn't add up to the 10k fine you could've gotten.

5.6 - Kidnapping:

5.6 Kidnapping​

Player(s) may only kidnap another player if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks. For example, if taking a hostage will increase the chances of the player escaping the police substantially then a hostage can be taken. Players should refer to rule 3.4 when deciding whether or not taking a hostage is appropriate and/or beneficial. Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowed.
as the rule states you can't merely kidnap someone without it outweighing the risks. You clearly wouldn't have benefited from that situation, as you stated to the mod, you were trying to kidnap them to gain $5,000.

Reviewed with @SamSN
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