Ban Dispute (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: ShrekArmy6018
Your Roleplay Name: Cooper Bigge
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:636716419

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Disonnected while being arrested

Why should this appeal be considered?: So I thought I was getting arrested for no reason, so I hit the ''F8'' key, which is my clip key. When I hit the key, it made me disconnect from my game, and as this NEVER happened to me, I thought I was kicked or something, I just found out the issue after I was banned by you.

Additional Information: First Clip is the clip where I accidentally disconnected, and in the second clip. I reconnected and hit the key again, having no idea that made me disconnect.
I was the officer who was arresting you so here is some context;

Whilst patrolling, We were informed by "Dispatch" that a Warranted Suspect was seen at Bank. I checked your warrant and had the make and model of your vehicle and that you had also purchased Projex 4.

Upon arriving at Intersection, I spotted your vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. Your warrant was for a dangerous felony and so a Felony Stop was performed. You proceeded to then disconnect (Which you claim was due to your "Clip crashing your game".

You then rejoined within seconds and then disconnected AGAIN.

I then managed to grab you from the Holding cell and get you half way down the Jail cells where I informed you what you were being charged with. You then proceeded to disconnect a 3rd time.

I don't see how your "Clips" can crash your games conveniently 3 times in a row.

If you had believed you were being arrested for a false reason, You could have made a report.
Your record shows you've done this before.

I am providing context to the situation so that the Administration team who deal with your dispute have an idea of what was going on.

Also, your second clip is exactly the same as the first clip.
If you would watch the end of the clips, you would see me getting disconnected, not crashed, as soon as you hear the medal clip sound effect. As I didn't even know the F8 button disconnected me, I clipped it again so when I get banned I can use it as evidence that I disconencted acidentally, thats why I disconnected 3 times. Because I clipped the game 3 times.

EDIT: Also, the clips aren't the same as even the link is different lol.. The first clip shows the clip ending right when I hit F8, the second clip shows the whole problem of what I claimed, which is me getting disconnected when I clip gmod. Of course I fixed this issue after the ban, after understanding what was causing them.
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