Ban Dispute (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] [2 Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: daZai
Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Wood
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:118940212

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User killed cops, risked his life and started a chase/shoot out for no reason after he was released and told to leave and store his gun.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I raided Hungries and killed 2 cops. Afterward, I went to Subs storage where a cop pulled me over at the farm. I killed 2 more cops and ran off. I then wanted to do my last raid, so I went to Morons. I managed to get in and killed 2 before getting flanked. Somehow, EMS and cops came, picked me up. I was able to trick the cop into thinking I was the owner, as he never asked for keys. He told me I was a defender, but I had drugs and asked for help over the radio. Then he told me to store my gun. I could not do that as I don't own the property. I believed he was going to find out I was not the owner or that I have an active warrant. My game crashed, but when I got back, they let me continue with it, and so I shoot the cop so I could flee as I did not want them to find out I was not the owner and cuff me. The admin keeps insisting that the officer told me to store my gun and leave, but the officer only told me to store my gun (not leave). I tell the admin, how would I store my gun if I don't own the place? She tells me, "It wouldn't be that hard to say something like 'my CAR is despawned, let me get it' or something like that." The officer expected me to store my gun in the chest, not go to the docks to store it in my car as I "live" there. Having an active warrant for murder and raiding a property is to me a reason to shoot any cop that stops me, as I'm at risk of a long prison sentence. As stated in the ban reason " he was released and told to LEAVE and store his gun." Please show me where the officer tells me to leave.

Additional Information: My demo crashes when the cop is investigating, I tried to fix it but I don't know whats wrong with it as all my other demos from that day work. Not sure if my game crashing has to do with it. Also the admin doesn't believe I crashed and I want to know why would I leave the game just to come back to the same situation?

It is clear that the officer was tricked into believing that you were a defender of the property instead of a raider, and you did good in playing this part until you were allowed to pick up your weapon, and asked to store it. Although you killed him before he was able to finish his sentence, it is logical to assume that he wanted you to store the weapon in the storage container as you were a defender in his eyes, and that was the nearest storage container available.

We believe that suspicion was inevitable at this point, seeing as the officer was adamant about making you store the weapon away which you were obviously not able to do, and there was no clear way of tricking him any further. With this being said, it is highly likely that the officer would have acted on said suspicion and chosen to gunpoint you to detain you, and investigate whether or not you are actually a defender, in which he'd be able to come to a conclusion that you are in fact a raider, and have killed people. To conclude, your actions were necessary to prevent yourself and your friend from going to prison as you had no other options remaining at that point in time.

Reviewed with @Hayden @3izu
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