Ban Dispute (Ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Kabloinky
Your Roleplay Name: Kabloinky brown
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:525587609

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User placed several fuel cans and blew them up at business for no reason what so ever.

Why should this appeal be considered?: well I got banned for 2.5 even tho I didnt blow up anyone's props or cars etc. I only blew up gas cans away from cars people and in the forest close to bazaar. still I got banned bc other people blew up bazaar. I also didn't know it was bannable to blow up the forest and places where no one would get hurt. also ellie banned me longer just bc she felt like it I feel like and bc of I blew up more gas cans (no one or thing got blown up). I would also like to give my apologies for blowing up the forest and across the crosswalk at bazaar I didnt mean no harm to any one or anything. I hope this ban could be shortend (bc I got banned longer for no reason) or that I could get unbanned. I hope to hear soon of you guys and girls from staff.
Involved-ish Hello, I would also like to bring up you blew up someone's back door in bazaar and Killing my org member in process of doing it. I also made an F6 on you and your friends for doing it because my org member got killed. You are claiming it was in the "forest" which it was not, It was in the ally behind shops 1-5. You also damaged 3 cars doing it as well. I would leave this here for a staff member to read it.
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As I explained it to you in the admin sit, I said whoever put down and blew up the most fuel cans would get the longest ban. And you placed more than the two of your friends. Not knowing about the rules does not justify breaking them.

This is excessive:
Yeah, i got the footage of the explosion, I need to say, but i reported you aswell for setting fire to fuel tanks next to cars at bazar :( I don't wanna see this again.
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