Ban Dispute (Ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Julemanden
Your Roleplay Name: I dont remember, but it had Nixon in it
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41514709

Why were you punished?: For not following rule 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: I’m writing to appeal the ban placed on my account. I want to explain the situation from my point of view because I believe there’s been a misunderstanding. First, I do understand Rule 3.4, and I know that when someone points a gun at you, you’re supposed to comply. During the incident, however, things were confusing, and I didn’t feel like I was given a clear opportunity to follow the instructions. I wasn’t trying to break the rule or be combative, but the situation was chaotic, and I was acting in-character based on how I thought things were unfolding. If my actions seemed combative, I apologize, but it wasn’t my intention to escalate things.

I’ve been punished under Rule 3.4 before, so I fully understand it and take it seriously. In this case, I didn’t refuse to follow the rule—I just found the situation hard to understand in the moment. I also want to clarify that I wasn’t untruthful in my report. If there were any misunderstandings, they weren’t intentional. I always try to be honest, and I’m more than willing to explain further if needed.

Lastly, I’m really sorry for disconnecting while the report was still open. I thought the report had ended, and I had to leave due to real-life issues that I couldn’t avoid. This wasn’t an attempt to dodge the situation, and I apologize for how it may have looked.

In conclusion, I respect the server rules and would never intentionally break them. I hope you’ll reconsider the ban, as I believe this was more of a misunderstanding than intentional rule-breaking. I’m happy to discuss this further if necessary.

Thank you for your time.


Seems more like an apology than a dispute? If you have an issue with the ban length, you'll have to make a staff complaint.
Im not apologising, im complaining about my ban. So i guess it would be a dispute?

What are you complaining about exactly? the length? the actual validity? Disputes is for the validity of bans, not to complain about it exactly. I can see you broke the rules, so if you disagree with the length, you would need to make a staff complaint.

However, reviewing your record and the length, the length is suitable, so no need for a staff complaint.
Length and validity. I got banned because i wasnt a yesman and had to go during an F6 that i thought was over.

Ok well that answers both of what I said, you broke gunpoint and tried to hide behind cover when you were still in clear view of the cop and you stalled then went behind the car and like I said the length is fine.

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