Ban Dispute (Ellie)

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LondonDerry, UK Northern Ireland

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: Cromwell
Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Mushroom
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:855646723

Why were you punished?: 1.6, 3.15, 4.1 - User were driving reckless and ramming a car out of its parking spot as an officer and leaving it there. Lied to staff claiming it was his demo restart, despite it wasn't.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am solely disputing the 1.6 claim, I committed both other rulebreaks.

She is claiming

1.6 Co-operation with Staff

Players must cooperate and follow any instructions or requests given to them by staff members, in relation to in-character and community-related situations.

If a staff member requests information about an incident, users must respond honestly and without omission. PERPHeads uses an automatic demo recording feature which is not to be disabled or tampered with at any time; recordings will be available in garry's mod/demos. If a staff member requests a demo file, and that demo file was recorded within the last 21 days, you are obligated to upload it (i.e. users may safely delete demos which are older than 21 days). It is the user's responsibility to ensure that there is enough disk space on the drive that Garry's Mod is installed on to ensure that demos record. Staff members must give user’s a minimum of 24 hours to allow the user to find the specific evidence needed for the situation.

I have linked previous apology to her, as at first I believed she may of just misunderstood the situation but it has become clear to me she just tacked 1.6 on out of spite. The apology sums all of it up and I dont feel the need to repeat it, I was not in a sit, I was not in an f6, I was not being asked information, I simply said in chat "demo restart????????????" in /ooc taking the piss and even when she spitefully said "are you sure you want to stick to that" i said "idrc im not appealing it" because I was just fucking talking shit in chat it wasnt a serious intent to mislead her, ofcourse it wasnt a demo restart I was being a idiot but I would like the 1.6 lie she claims stricken as I would never lie to staff, and having that on my record is a very serious claim.

I was not speaking to her in f6, I was not in a sit, I wouldve happily clarified it all with her if i believed she was looking for information, however she had blacklisted me for the 2 rulebreaks I had already committed from PD and because I said "demo restart" as a blatant joke decided to say fuck it and slap 1.6 and a 1 day ban ontop of it.

I just want the 1.6 portion removed.
Whilst you were taking the piss and not being serious in OOC, I’ll remove the 1.6 from your ban reasoning but include you were taking the piss in OOC about it being a ‘demo restart’
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