Ban Dispute (Exnem)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Exnem
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: N3R0
Your Roleplay Name: Nero_Clayde
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:422702595

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: FearRP

Why should this appeal be considered?: If I didn't value my life, so did he. He didn't check both ways. I completely understand driving away from police but it doesn't give him the right to just shoot me, where is the roleplay from his prospective? I just don't understand the thought process. I had multiple people telling me, he was in the wrong. But the only people who are defending him is the admins themselves. Which is starting to really worry be about the future, for the member who constantly play on the server. anyway although I don't understand why did he have to open fire on me! It's out of control, I wasn't armed, I didn't pose no threat. So I don't understand why was I killed, surely there are less lethal options, speaking in real life, I never seen a officer kill a person, because they were running away from them, on foot or in a vehicle, it could have been handled better. In matter of fact what he done was wrong. He disabled my vehicle that's understandable, but no matter where I would run, he would have caught me anyways, what's the fun of roleplaying and trying to run away from a officer on foot, if he just going to shoot you. That isn't roleplay, thats just like pay to win. so why did he resolve to shooting me, I was already out of my vehicle, I had no weapon. but instead I guess it was easier to just shoot me. I don't think what he done was even roleplayable, I thought I will apologise and be a bigger man, but no it isn't fair. I shouldn't have been banned, and I would like an addictional staff member to speak about the sitaution. because there was no need to shot me. I wasn't a threat toward the officer, If anything I feared him more than he feared me! I do not feel like it was my fault completely, especially that he got ran over, yes he was at a zebra crossing, but that doesn't give him the right to do that! but although before I could even notice him, it was too late for me to stop. He didn't check before crossing and I couldn't have stopped. In my opinion, he shouldn't have tried arresting me and ticketing me. I mean I could have driven off while he was on the ground but I didn't, because it was by accident, and I tried explaining it to him, although he didn't want to hear it, instead he rather scream at me to stop, when he should have just left the sitation to what it was! but I insisted to make sure he's okey, but as soon as he got up, he tried ticketing me, like he didn't just get hit by a car. Which kind of already killed the roleplay in my opinion. I feel like, it could have been easily avoided, and If I fearedRP so did he, who crosses a road without checking? I wasn't even speeding, he accused me of speeding, but in the video, I was going 35mph. So am I to blame that the vehicle couldn't stop in time? All he said was get out the car! before he started shooting me. I would understand if you were pointing the gun in my face, but once you started shooting me, of course I am going to run away from you. You shot an unarmed man, because you decided to run in front of me, when I was already near the crosswalk. It's impossible to please you guys! I been doing a lot better, I have been improving! But this, this is unjustified! I do not deserve to get punished because you are having a bad day! Might I add, at no point did he say get out of the car or "I will shoot you" he just opened fire at me. He didn't have his weapon out until I drove past him. I just think at no point did he have the right to shoot to kill me, because at no point did I threatening him, and don't say because I hit him with my vehicle. because he done that to himself, so if I fearedRP so did he, because he didn't value his life!

Additional Information: ACTUALLY TAKE YOUR TIME AND watch the evidence
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The garden

Your dispute was just denied, if you want to be unbanned make a ban apology and it'll be looked into by the staff member that banned you.

You can also create a staff complaint so it can be looked into.
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