Ban Dispute (Ezza)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: ri ri jo jo
Your Roleplay Name: Jannet Figglebottom
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:746977076

Why were you punished?: 1.6, 2.5, and 3.4 The player executed a civilian in Bazaar without any prior interaction or reason to kill; this was done directly in front of a cop. The player also lied in the report.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I believe that this appeal should be considered as the punishment i received does not seem reasonable as the situation was not investigated by the mod who banned me (Ezza) and is solely based off of what he believes happened. He says that i am lying about the situation which i am not, when he was using the ATM he was not able to hear what was being said in voice chat as while using an ATM it cuts out voice chat. The cop told me to kill him and i did, i understand his reason to be upset about that but at most i believe that should warrant a warning rather than a ban especially due to me not knowing that what i did was against the rules, post ban i have made the effort to try and somewhat understand the rules better as i said in my initial apology appeal. I believe this week ban is completely unfair as my actions could have been easily investigated with my friend and the police officer. From my perspective it feels like i have been rage banned as i have annoyed Ezza by killing him when he was unaware of the reasoning which seems slightly power abusive. The issue of killing him in front of a police officer shouldn't warrant a punishment so severe because it defeats the roleplaying purpose of jail and i just assumed that i was fine to kill him due to the roleplaying essence of the police officer ordering me to do something.

Additional Information: Situation - Me and my friend were in the bazaar waving and pointing guns at each other as a joke, a police officer was there and watching us do the whole thing while actively talking to us as my friend is friends with him. A player (Ezza) then ran out of a shop towards us and started telling the cop about us having guns out and waving them around. He ran to the nearby ATM, we followed him with our guns raised towards him in a joking manner and while he was using it the officer told me to kill him, i did then a minute or two later i had a mod conversation opened in game and was banned a minute later with no further investigation.
I had no idea that the player i shot was Ezza, i hadn't had any other warnings or issues since i was unbanned the day prior and wasn't trying to break rules or be a nuisance.
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For a dispute to be considered please upload some evidence via a clip or your demo

You can use this guide for your demo
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Didnt realise that the evidence tab had to be a link, i dont have a clip but i wrote in it "I have a witness (my friend) who can back my side of the story"
Didnt realise that the evidence tab had to be a link, i dont have a clip but i wrote in it "I have a witness (my friend) who can back my side of the story"
Unfortunately that is not evidence. You can use the guide provided to you above to go into your demo and get a clip of the incident.

If you do not upload any evidence soon this will be closed
It says i am missing a map named paralake rp when i try to open the demo in game
all of the people and things in the vid show up as error signs, can i fix that?
I have a medal clip from the demo, only issue is that i cant hear myself speak for whatever reason and everyone/thing is error signs but you can see me infront of the error sign (my friend) and him telling me to suck his gun when we were pointing them at eachother, then you can hear Ezza come out talking about the guns, call me a retard for pointing it at him, then hear the cop tell shannon (my friend) to kill him (that bit is on my end as all i remember hearing is kill him), then the cop says that he was stripped of his stuff proving that he is a cop even though he is an error sign in the recording. Will this be sufficient to upload?
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all of the people and things in the vid show up as error signs, can i fix that?
Connect to the server. After the 'banned' message you can load your demo. This will fix the errors.

Prior to loading up a demo, it’s recommended that you connect to the main server ( first, so that you can load up the server content to reduce errors/missing textures once you load into a demo.
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I have uploaded a Medal clip from the demo that goes from us waving guns at each other to me getting banned.

This is a clear breach of all those rules and you should count yourself lucky you only received a week ban.

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