Ban Dispute (ezza)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: IKEA ducky
Your Roleplay Name: Steven Pablo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:576024407

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - Failed to leave a shootout at Bazaar, whilst having a chance to leave at the beginning, instead stayed and spectated which led to one of their Org being shot in crossfire. This then led to all their org who were spectating being gunpointed.

Why should this appeal be considered?: The situation as a whole was a complete mess, i was banned for a shootout i was not involved in and was given literally less than a minute to act up in the whole situation, gunfire happened in a shop across from me without my org being involved in this shootout, a random bullet from their fire hitting my org member in the leg. one org member of mine shot back at them and died but as us being propblocked by a sign in the frontside of the bazaar to the back we could not enter it fully without having to attempt to caterpillar under it or move it which was difficult as the shooters from the shootout had already ran up and gunpointed all of us, in which the clip shows i jitter when the sign is moved before the gunpointing happened. i was also hiding in the corner knowing i was unarmed and completely uninvolved with the situation meaning they had no reason to actively shoot me as i posed no threat and as explained was not involved.

the admin used the term "had the chance to leave at the beginning" but i was not involved as the shootout occured in a bazaar shop across from mine, so why would i need to leave my bazaar shop over a shootout i was not involved in? as if that is the case why does everyone not leave there shops once the shooters took the fight outside the shops to the bazaar hallway. it was also said that "i could have ran out the front" but i had no reason too since we were not at risk as well as the fact i could not leave afterwards due to being gunpointed, plus it is ideally safer to stay inside my property where i pose no threat than to run into active gunfire to leave hence why i stayed.

shootouts happen almost daily at the bazaar but yet i am punished for not leaving my shop that was not involved whereas players do it daily when shootouts occur, staying in their shops and even walking around the shootout such as a PPS who walked through this shootout unfazed but yet i was punished for assuming i was safe in my property as someone unarmed and uninvolved in this situation. the excuse "45 seconds to react" as ezza used is completely different regarding not everyone is going to be expected leave in a short time because of a shootout that happened in an area you arent involved in, in the safety of my own shop.

this was handled with no reason to explain myself in an f6 where i was banned in which ezza did not give me any chance of explaination and instead decided to take the opinion of other admins but banned me only a minute later in which i believe . i feel as this ban is completely unfair and i was given no chance of explaination of ability to talk regarding the ban. im confused as well on the ban how i am banned for this when shootouts in bazaar are a daily occurrence and no one is banned when they run towards the shootout and involve themselves.

Additional Information: i would like this appeal to be read by a higher ranked admin and decided by someone who was not on the server at the time.
i would also like to mention the shots occured and as i watched johnny's demo, ezza did not leave till around 30-45 seconds after shots happened. standing not far from the front of the shop, in which mid shootout ezza went invisible and spectated.
Involved - I initiated the shootout.

You had 10-15 seconds from when shots were first fired to move or do anything, but you were completely stationary & still setting up your shop as if nothing happened. Even after my death I was informed that the shootout continued and you still stayed in the same position with no attempt to escape for a much more extended period of time.

i am unarmed, in my bazaar shop and i am banned for this? ezza himself ran towards active gunfire knowing shots were being fired and continued to spectate. the demo johnny pablo had pulled shows all of this as well as him standing in active gunfire. my door was prop blocked and it was either stay in the corner of my shop avoiding the crossfire and hiding as it was either run into active gunfire or hide away. bearing in mind u ran upto unarmed people who were uninvolved in our shop to gunpoint them when the shootout was taken to the bazaar hallway meaning it was unsafe to leave without being gunpointed either way.
bearing this in mind the shots that had been fired were in the back of your bazaar shop. therefore why do i need to leave my shop when in the demo there were mutliple uninvolved people breaking 3.4 by spectating it. the bazaar is a public area and when i am trapped with gunmen running out of their shop to either sides than directly to us i have no exact way to leave do i? run into active gunfire or stow myself away in the corner.
15 seconds into your shootout as an active shooter you had your gun aimed at us the entire time expecting us in a short time (the 15 seconds from the shootout) was when you approached us. no one reacts in 15 seconds just a heads up.
Involved - I initiated the shootout.

You had 10-15 seconds from when shots were first fired to move or do anything, but you were completely stationary & still setting up your shop as if nothing happened. Even after my death I was informed that the shootout continued and you still stayed in the same position with no attempt to escape for a much more extended period of time.

nice clip, notice how ezza is also stood their in the time i was given after the shooting? nice one.
you can watch him move away behind the corner
yes and than be gunpointed as seen AGAIN. and told to surrender in which he backs away THAN. there is no excusing him as he rulebroke as well.
yes and than be gunpointed as seen AGAIN. and told to surrender in which he backs away THAN. there is no excusing him as he rulebroke as well.
i wasnt telling him to surrender, i was telling you in the shop to surrender
have you not come to a conclusion that i didn’t say “you” gunpointed him. even after your death your org member had to gunpoint him to surrender in which he went towards the bazaar ATM and no clipped. no excusing this when he walked off under gunpoint told to surrender to instead noclip.
Locking this until it being dealt with.

You should get away from any shoot out you're not involved with to preserve your life no matter what as it states in 3.4.
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