Ban Dispute (Ezzar)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezzar
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: bre
Your Roleplay Name: Kai Strehlow
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:151154558

Why were you punished?: 2.6, 3.4, 3.24 - Failed to comply at gunpoint, complained in voice chat alleging the player was breaking the rules, then ran under gunpoint even when notified he was breaking the rules.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear reader

I'd like to formally ask for my ban reason to be changed in order to represent the situation I was involved in more accurately. Specifically, i'd like to dispute the "then ran under gunpoint even when notified he was breaking the rules" part. I'd like to dispute this statement because as soon as I was made aware my actions were socially inept, I ran back to my dear kidnapper.

However, the adrenaline rushing into Ezzars' veins must've sped up their time perception, causing them to think I was still protesting and generally being a bad boy. In reality, all visions of protest and freedom were out of question to me, I had accepted my fate as my kidnappers new experiment in the city parking lot. However, before I could put my hands up to embrace my new owner, I was transported to the top of a building. This, is where I was publicly defamed. Again, I feel like my ban reasoning is an act of defamation against me which could potentially lower my social status further than the rest of the still questionable claims could.

WIth this said, I kindly ask for my ban reasoning to be changed from: "2.6, 3.4, 3.24 - Failed to comply at gunpoint, complained in voice chat alleging the player was breaking the rules, then ran under gunpoint even when notified he was breaking the rules" to "2.6, 3.4, 3.24 - Failed to comply at gunpoint in a non-muggable area, complained in voice chat alleging the player was breaking the rules, then kindly embraced their gun-pointing kidnapper upon intervention by God."

Thank you for your attention.


Additional Information: Apologies for the lack of evidence provided, I just needed a link to complete this dispute.


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United Kingdom
So this isn't really a dispute, could you not have just messaged Ezza to see if he would have changed it if it was supposedly wrong?


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Dear A1L

This is definitely a dispute! I do apologize for letting the Justin Bieber evidence distract you from the seriousness of my appeal.

Although this is not a ban dispute, I still believe it is a type of dispute deserving of attention as much as the usual ones - considering that staff take into account the specific reasoning of player punishments.

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