Ban Dispute (Flugs)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @flugs
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: pendingsuicide
Your Roleplay Name: Lora Goth
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:812368420

Why were you punished?: 2.5 - Having told a room full of people living in their apartment to leave in chat two times, only holding a gun on the second time, user shot and killed 3 organisation members shortly after giving the command because they did not immediately leave. I do not feel that this reaction was proportionate given the short amount of time that had passed, nor was it a reasonable expectation for all occupants to immediately vacate in this scenario, and had the user wanted them to leave then and there they should have done more to make this clear and/or considered alternative options.

Why should this appeal be considered?: This situation started when I had to set my gun down on the floor. I owned Regals apartment four and needed to walk to the bank. I was not going to do this with an Enfield on my back. I was basing with about five or six org members and typed in the chat “please do not touch my gun”. I came back from the bank and my gun was missing. Before making any accusations, I checked org storage in case it was put there. It was not. I asked who took my gun and nobody wanted to say anything about the whereabouts of my gun.

Please understand that I specifically told these org members to not touch my gun, so it was very frustrating when I came back. It was very inconveniencing and disrespectful on their part. And as my org members, they shouldn’t have done this to me to begin with.

I wanted my gun back, and asked multiple times for it. They thought it was some joke, so I decided they would not be basing with me any longer. I did not like being messed with and they were not taking me seriously. I did what I thought would be the best thing to do, and I don't think I should’ve handled this any differently. I tried distancing myself from the source of the problem and de-escalating the situation by asking them to leave.
I’d asked them to leave. From the time I asked them to leave, they had 16 seconds to give any indication that they’d be leaving. I hadn’t observed anyone grabbing any planters, or harvesting planters. I didn’t observe anyone walking towards the door, I didn’t observe anyone even responding to my request. I observed at least two players present, and walking around my apartment bedroom at this time. This prompted me to gunpoint them to leave. From the time they were gunpointed, they all had about 7 seconds to indicate they’d be leaving.

“Bamidele Faraji-Chiumbo” was the person closest to the gun. He’d seen the gun, and was walking around the bedroom. He was shot first, after the two requests to leave, one while under gunpoint; and died.

The second person to die was “Tyson Hunt”. I observed Tyson pulling his phone out while standing on top of the crafting bench. This was a clear sign to me that he was present to see what I had said, and wasn't making any efforts to leave. He also died.
The third person to die was “Ismael Kashmiri-Sumbul”. I observed Ismael turning, and being present after I’d made these orders to leave. He showed no effort to leave my apartment. He was also killed.

“Abidi Romano” only ran out of the door after the three deaths occurred. Instead of fearing for his/her life, he decided to casually walk back into the room when he noticed the gunfire had stopped.

It’s clear to me that my actions were justified. All org members were told to leave, and given an appropriate amount of time to show indications of leaving.

Not only was my ban unfair, but the users were not punished at all for being excessively negative towards me.

Originally, I was not going to include this in the punishment appeal; I will be making a separate action request. But I feel this information is important to the situation.

After dying, they all returned to my apartment immediately and decided to base there again; knowing they were not welcome back. They saw I was basing there as well, still and decided to steal my weed that was seeding. I asked who took my seeds and nobody would own up to anything, once again. This made me have to kick them out AGAIN. Instead of peacefully leaving; like they should've to begin with... they called someone to come and mug me while they sat there and watched. After I was banned for this, they began to talk negatively about me in OOC. This entire situation they started was far more negative than me kicking them out of my residence.
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You did not leave enough time for them to react, you should have made sure they acknowledged, especially given you were typing.

I agree that rules were broken, however, can you make a separate AR so I can deal with it there and give the users a chance to reply.

Reviewed with @A1L
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