Ban Dispute for using macro @TinySlayer

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: @TinySlayer

Your Steam Name: ZaNNie
Your In-game name: Stojan King
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155496760

Why were you banned?: 1.4, 6.2 - Using a macro, denying it, then using it again after being told to stop.
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: I was crafting yesterday with a piece of paper on my monitor because I wanted to see if could trigger the macro detecting system and when I was done crafting I went to buy a new car. I bought the car and received an F6 message from Synatec. The message was "You triggered the macro detecting system please don't use it or you will get banned" I wasn't planning on crafting anymore because it was late so I logged off and today I was basing and I decided to craft again (but this time without a paper) I was crafting normally while drying and growing and after a few batches I got tired so I went refilled my tanks and logged off. Then I was playing another game and thehomlessdude told me I was banned.

Additional Comment(s): No
Evidence (Required for all server bans): No

Well, I can't really prove to you that I didn't use a macro. The only thing I can say was I was drying at the same time and there would be no point to use a macro to craft when I have to move and do other stuff anyway.

Thank you for reading my dispute.
You get a little piece of paper and get it wet and make it like a small ball and place it on the screen if you want me to send you a pic of my monitor accept me on steam
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