Ban Dispute (glacial but 3izu did it)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: glacial but 3izu did it
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Qawferz
Your Roleplay Name: nicholas mobbers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573809308

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 ,5.6

Why should this appeal be considered?: I genuinley wasnt aware that mugging someone counts as a raid to my understanding from people i have asked just now a mug only counts as a raid if entery is forced and for both mugs i didnt for entery to either...i ran in after a guy, the guy who broke 3.4...and the other i came to the shop where leonard was mugging someone just to cover him...I am so shocked and confused where the 3.4 come into shop that I owned was BZ 7 and i raided/mugged 6 and 8 moved drugs from 6 into my shop number 7 and thats the 3.4? being in my own property? because its close to propertys ive raided? I only mugged 1 player and entery wasnt forced so where does the whole done 4 raids come into play, possibly leonard forced enetery into the other guys shop who he was mugging and i essentialy assisted him...but i personally forced no entery into shops to mug only running in after the one person who i reported and clipped for 3.4 MY clip even shows me running in after him and him breaking 3.4 the whole reason i made a report i then got demo requested and now banned for a month over me trying to make the server better...getting the guy warned or banned for breaking obvious 3.4 something i am trying to improve on? I was then taken to a rooftop where glacial explained ill be getting banned for 5.6 and 3.4 and i was so confused as i geuinely on everything i know and love didnt think me staying inside of my shop or near it was 3.4 AT ALL and i said if i knew that then i wouldnt have stayed there, i then argued as he said u have the leave the area with " So what if im walking the streets with my ak 101 on my back? isnt that 3.4 and police would GP me and tell me to put my hands up and everything like that, which would also end up in me loosing my gun...Still shocks me that me reporting someone has turned into them not having any consequences and me being banned for a month!

even if you ask some stuff member some of them will tell you its mug and other will say raid about muging part

about staying at bazzar yes this is 3.4
Did you and aloo not first raid Bazaar Shop 8 and kill the owner? Did you not then break into Bazaar Shop 6, steal the planters, then move onto raid Bazaar Shop 4 to mug the person inside? Did you not then try to go back to Bazaar Shop 8 to mug the player you had just killed and wait for him to respawn and come back? Did you not also, after having completed the raid on Bazaar Shop 6 and move onto another property, then decide to go back in and mug the player inside?

By this standard, you would have raided Bazaar 8 which was occupied, Bazaar 4 which was occupied, then Bazaar 6 which was occupied
Did you and aloo not first raid Bazaar Shop 8 and kill the owner? Did you not then break into Bazaar Shop 6, steal the planters, then move onto raid Bazaar Shop 4 to mug the person inside? Did you not then try to go back to Bazaar Shop 8 to mug the player you had just killed and wait for him to respawn and come back? Did you not also, after having completed the raid on Bazaar Shop 6 and move onto another property, then decide to go back in and mug the player inside?

By this standard, you would have raided Bazaar 8 which was occupied, Bazaar 4 which was occupied, then Bazaar 6 which was occupied
Im not fussed about the raiding im confused and concerned about me making an f6 has turned into me being banned for a month..apparently me staying inside of my property is 3.4 as i was near the area... i also wasnt aware mugs count as raids i never personally forced entery, the clip aloo ust posted shows me not using any force to enter even the mug i do i didnt force entery AS for the 3.4 about being near a place u recently raided i wasnt aware..i thought as i owned a property there it was fine as i was in and out waiting for drugs to grow. I genuinely wasnt aware, i wouldnt have done it IF i was aware collier mate, also even more proof that i didnt know ive essentialy self reported as ive been banend for a month and the guy who i reported wasnt...i cant stress enough about how im trying to improve on keeping to rules and i have improved in terms of 3.4 but it can be broken in many ways and today ive found out a new way...staying inside of ur shop becasue its close to the raid!
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Did you not then try to go back to Bazaar Shop 8 to mug the player you had just killed and wait for him to respawn and come back?

we didnt kill anyone on bz 6 raid we just take the planters and leave

her you go

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