Ban Dispute (Hayden/Mina)

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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Hayden/Mina
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Tinky
Your Roleplay Name: Tinky Starksy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:107027937

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1, 1.4 - User decided to shoot another player in an Admin sit, whilst returning a gun he stored moments before he got raided by Police. He was then disrespectful in OOC and disconnected moments afterwards. // Banned for enforcer Mina

Why should this appeal be considered?: I raided a property in slums and went back to my apartment after succesfully raiding the property. I waited like 5 mins cops were walking around the stairs and stuff, investigating, etc., I decided its been enough time to store so I did that and the cops raided shortly after. I lost the raid.

A report was made by Mina asking me to give back what I stored but I couldn't really comprehend why he wanted that as the rule states immediate danger and I wasnt under immediate danger so I asked if another staff member could perhaps explain it maybe I could understand it then. Super or Hayden explained it and I was quite annoyed at the fact that the rule is not worded correctly and I got taken to the admin sit to give back the gun. I killed Koji in the sit because he said something I don't exactly remember. I then got slain by Kian and told to take 5 minutes to consider what I have done so I said "take 5 minutes to touch grass"

I know that this doesn't explain my actions at all and its all my fault but I don't believe this would have happened if the rule was worded properly. I am still terribly sorry to Kian and Koji for my actions. I have made a suggestion to make a rule change that has been accepted to make sure nothing similar happens in the future as before I even stored I opened up the rules and made sure that's what the rule stated.

Additional Information: I am disputing the fact that I was accused of breaking 3.18. I got angry in the heat of the moment and didn't think straight which isn't an excuse, but a statement.

As I stated above, I am still very sorry for what I did.

Regardless of whether you disagree with the wording of a rule that you are being challenged on, that does not give you the right to blow your top and kill someone during an admin sit. This is particularly exasperated by the fact that two Administrators attended and told you what the situation was. It was extremely unfair of you to take your frustration out on Mina and the other player. Whatever Koji supposedly did or didn't say should have been raised to Mina or the Administrators dealing with it at the time, rather than you taking it upon yourself to derail the whole process.

You should have accepted what you were being told and asked to do at the time and taken your frustration elsewhere, either by suggesting a rule change on the forums or making a staff complaint. We believe that the ban instated because of your actions during and after the sit is valid and will remain on-record.

Reviewed with @A1L and @SamSN
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