Ban Dispute (J A C K)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: J A C K
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: ClumsySpyTwitch
Your Roleplay Name: Sheamus Macklin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81746803

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 4.1 - Failing to investigate properly and didn’t act in the best interests of the city; intentionally giving a raider’s firearm away to a defender. User then lied to staff and disconnected to avoid questions about the situation.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was originally banned for 4.1 and after disputing, Efan added 1.6 (User then lied to staff and disconnected to avoid questions about the situation.)

I just want to clarify and confirmed with A1L, all of the questions were answered and A1L replied saying they would speak to the other staff members to give an outcome. I explained to A1L I wasn't feeling well and could I disconnect and get an update via Discord and A1L said yes thats fine.

I'm disputing the 1.6 extension. Not the 4.1.
Hi there not involved just spoke too him on steam this is his responce
Again not involved in this just wanted too be a good person and let him know someone responded

After reviewing the report, the previous dispute and the messages you sent to @A1L. It's clear that you were misleading staff, albeit perhaps not in a fully overt manner. The next day you further solidified this with the comments you sent in the org chat.

It was also brought to our attention that you attempted to circumvent the ban. In your explanation, you claimed to have purchased an account to play Phasmophobia (which the account didn't even have Phasmophobia owned), while using this account you stated that you accidentally joined PERP to load content to view a demo. When questioned about using a VPN to connect to PERP, you stated it was because you and your friends play on different gamesᅳhowever, VPNs are not required to join different servers when you're within the same region.

In light of these findingsᅳmisleading staff, attempting to ban evade, and continued dishonesty in your explanations—your ban will be extended to 2 months.

Reviewed with @Oddy.
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