Ban Dispute (KeimaW)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: KeimaW
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Sanchez
Your Roleplay Name: Eduardo Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:603942538

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User was trying to attract the attention of police in his vehicle, proceeded to flee from them and went in to his apartment, which led to the raid of the apartment. Allegedly the user thought he was "wanted", but in that case, the user should not have been trying to attract the attention of the police. Horrendous record of 3.4 violations.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello,

I was at city garage and I was trying to help someone that was getting arrested by getting him in my vehicle. I ran some cops over when they start shooting me and drove over someone else when the cops where chasing me. I was at the intersection when I heard Pedro Lopez saying on the radio "The black Golf GTI is at the intersection" which made clear they were after me.

When I was on the highway between Suburbs and the city a police car started chasing me and told me to put my headlights on. When I drifted a little bit he start chasing me again which made me think it was just a traffic stop but then I remembered that 5 min ago they were chasing me. I stopped at the city gas station. Another police car came fast next to me trying to block me in when the other officer jumped out and told me to put my engine off. They were checking if I was wanted which I thought I was because I ran over police officer which is 9.2. I left the scene omw to slums. (where I was living.) They instant started breaching like they already had a warrant on my door.I was not trying to attract the attention of the police by putting my headlights on and off I was just spamming my button which made it blinking.

I once got a warn for this from Sindarin. He gave me a warn for 3.19 Arrest Evading which is a better warn then 3.4 Putting Your Life Under Risk. Because if Arrest Evading is 3.4 then when do you give someone a warn for 3.19 Arrest Evading.

Additional Information: I don't know why I got instant banned and why you not requested my demo to get more evidence. In my POV it looked like they knew because they just said it on the radio less then 5 min ago.
As this is a dispute, you must provide some sort of evidence. Please do so within the next 48 hours otherwise this will be denied.
As this is a dispute, you must provide some sort of evidence. Please do so within the next 48 hours otherwise this will be denied.
I will try getting my demo but what about the reason that i'm getting banned why 3.4 and not 3.19?
As this is a dispute, you must provide some sort of evidence. Please do so within the next 48 hours otherwise this will be denied. in this clip you can see that I ran a police officer over when I am tryna help someone. The guy did not jump in my car for some reason but ye. second clip you can see that I a being retarded with the headlights but I drifted otherwise I would crash into the minicooper. At gas station an extra unit came for no reason or because they knew that they were looking for me so I left the scene. in this clip you can see that I ran a police officer over when I am tryna help someone. The guy did not jump in my car for some reason but ye. second clip you can see that I am being retarded with the headlights so sorry for that. I also drifted otherwise I would crash into the minicooper I was just tryna stop by pressing brake. At gas station an extra unit came for no reason or because they knew that they were looking for me so I left the scene.
What did the person in the city garage do that they were going to be arrested that you decided to run the cop over to help them? Can you provide me your demo so I can review the entirety leading up to it. Thanks
What did the person in the city garage do that they were going to be arrested that you decided to run the cop over to help them? Can you provide me your demo so I can review the entirety leading up to it. Thanks
tbh I dont know didn't mean to run the police over by helping him but because I did ran the police over I could go in for 9.2. Also please answer the question why this isn't more 3.19
tbh I dont know didn't mean to run the police over by helping him but because I did ran the police over I could go in for 9.2. Also please answer the question why this isn't more 3.19

Could be either, but 3.4 is more for you attracting the attention of the police instead of hiding after committing a crime.
Could be either, but 3.4 is more for you attracting the attention of the police instead of hiding after committing a crime.
I was hiding at church for a couple of minutes and then I decided to go to slums but there was a police car and I was pretty sure I was wanted cus like I said they were chasing me. I was not tryna to get the attention of the cop tbh I was playing with the button and not paying attention like you can see that I almost crashed. Look I understand you guys completely but I think this was more a misunderstanding. 1 month for a small little misunderstanding is just a bit to much. It also have to do something with my record that's why my ban is longer then normal. I know that I have only bans for 3.4 but I really try working on it. it's just that me getting a ban for a month because I really thought I want wanted yk. telling you that is was a misunderstanding isn't a excuse but please just understand me and dont give me an instant ban. So just think about it and maybe I dont deserve a whole month ban for this. I almost play everyday come on really gotta ban your players for just a small misunderstanding. (A1L if you help me I gift you a skin in fortnite!!!!!) Like come on I was really having fun just made new org for all my friends and then I get a month ban for this like why 3.4 just do 3.19 then. Also isn't it more the officers fault for not making me wanted. I just made a new org for friends and I can't give invite them lol so please just think about it and about the situation it's not that I broke gp or something so please just think about it cus I really wanna play.
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This is to deal with the validity of the ban, not the length, are you going to provide your demo?
This is to deal with the validity of the ban, not the length, are you going to provide your demo?
no I can't. why? (tell me which fortniteskin you wanted) lol
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So I can see the entire thing leading up to it and if you did actively hide and take precautions
So I can see the entire thing leading up to it and if you did actively hide and take precautions
Alright how does this sound, if I can get a unban and I'll show you my demo when i'm at my mom (monday). If I didn't hide at the church like I said then you can give me a perm. Come on that is a fair deal right + you get a fortnite dance.
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If you want to continue the dispute, provide me with your demo, you also shouldn't of ran the cop and you even said you don't know what the person had done, so what was the point of running the cop over to help them? Seems blatant 3.4 to me.
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