Ban Dispute (Collier)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Evidence: Dont have evidence because i record 30sec with medal, i'm not recording 7h of gameplay
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Freirifuu
Your Roleplay Name: Rachel Fernandez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80157160

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.19, 3.22 - Ran the intersection red light for no reason, then immediately starting a pursuit with the Police. Once spiked, the user pulled a gun on the cops, resulting in their immediate death.

Why should this appeal be considered?: All started because police started a chase, i was able to escape because my car was way faster than them. When i saw them going to business sector I went back to city and on the intersection they put spikes and when i went with the car i avoided it and then they shooted to my car to break tyres, at this moment i was far from them and decided to pull out my gun because they started shooting me. I have already so many tickets and didnt want to pay another one thats why i wanted to start the chase. IRL if you have so much tickets like about "bad parking" you will not want another because its so much money you are paying. The same in that case. (Not 3.4 and not 3.19) The only rule i broke was 3.22 and was unintentionally because i wasn't paying attention to the traffic light. (5 day Ban is too much for 3.22 when 24/7 all the players go throught red lights and never see any ban about it).

I've been playing this server for months even though I dont understand English at 100% because i'm Spanish, but, I keep playing because i want to have fun, not to break rules and get banned...
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After reviewing a clip that was provided to us and the logs related to this situation, the ban is more than justified.
When i saw them going to business sector I went back to city and on the intersection they put spikes and when i went with the car i avoided it and then they shooted to my car to break tyres, at this moment i was far from them and decided to pull out my gun because they started shooting me.
They never shot your vehicle at all, the only time they shot was when they killed you as you pulled a gun out.

I have already so many tickets and didnt want to pay another one thats why i wanted to start the chase. IRL if you have so much tickets like about "bad parking" you will not want another because its so much money you are paying.
Evading the police because of having so many tickets is still not a justifiable reason. Your decision to needlessly escalate a pursuit into a shootout, especially when you had no outstanding tickets at the time, is baffling. The last time you received a ticket was on the 26th.

Screenshot_4539.pngBy escalating the chase into a shootout, you ended up getting yourself killed over something minor essentially breaking 3.4 and 3.19 itself.

(5 day Ban is too much for 3.22 when 24/7 all the players go throught red lights and never see any ban about it).

If you have an issue with the ban length you are free to make a staff complaint which will be looked into thoroughly.

During this time you're banned please read up on the following rules:

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically;

A few common examples of unreasonable risks includes, but is not limited to:

  • Running on the highway without a justifiable reason
  • Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being within the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.
  • Murdering a police officer(s) to avoid yourself or others receiving a minor punishment, such as a small ticket or a minor jail sentence
  • Loitering around the scene of a crime you committed with the intention of engaging in more combat
  • To not comply with reasonable orders given under the direct threat of a lethal weapon pointed at you, such as a mugging.
  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at.
  • After committing a crime, relevant precautions should be taken to avoid arrest or police attention, such as avoiding public places.

Some valid reasons to kill police officers include:

  • Risk of a long prison sentence, typically 7 years or more
  • Preventing the imminent detection of drug production.
  • Committing a violent crime police would reasonably use lethal force to apprehend you for.

3.19 Evasion​

When Players are evading arrest, they must do so realistically, for example if a player evades arrest by initiating a police pursuit they must demonstrate to an Administrator that he had a reasonable chance of escaping. Players may not use the monorail if they are being directly pursued by the Police. In addition, players may not needlessly escalate police pursuits into shootouts. Changing, joining or leaving jobs to avoid interaction or pursuits with another player is also prohibited. Exploiting peaceful zones to hide from pursuing players is also not permitted.
Reviewed with @SamSN @steelo
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