Ban Dispute (Maia)

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Reaction score
California, United States of America
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: JusCumeron
Your Roleplay Name: Cam Reaper
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:157871970

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Failure to comply with a /me

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well what happen was I was running a shop at bazaar tryna sell some guns late at night I ended up falling asleep I woke up today and went to work as per normal and when I returned home right now I was prompted with my computer still on and my screen saying i'm banned. I was asleep or afk at the time of the /me I presume so I feel this ban is falsely implemented as if I was actively at my computer I would've complied I came home from work early today to grind out some perp and was presented with this so hopefully this appeal can be reviewed and I can grind. I believe a warning is fair if need be, even though I was afk but I much rather that then a ban for something I had no way of altering or effecting.

Additional Information: Thank you for your time in reviewing this
This happened outside of the Casino Parking Lot, you were not sleeping nor AFK, a /me was done to get out your SPAS-12 and you refused
Ok, I see this is for the police situation that occured outside of casino thank you for giving me insight.
I was under the impression of the rules that would be considered against them to force someone to pull something out the same way you can't gunpoint someone and tell them to take things out of there bank I also had a friend who was beside us when this all went down so regardless the cop shouldn't be prioritizing me removing my weapon from the vehicle as the rule states "No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such as under gun fire or assailants nearby." I had an assailant nearby who could indicate harm present. Regardless if i'm at fault in that situation even though I thought my actions were just would the possibility of a warning for this be performed rather then a ban in this case as i've never had a warning for this prior and didn't know the full contexts of the /me rules being that the rules I read on the forms were rather vague on such topic.

If they had a lawful reason to take it out, it's fine to do so, they had done a /me to get out the shotgun, so you should've complied, it was the staff member's discretion to issue the ban and the ban is valid, so I will close this.
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