Ban Dispute (mim)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: mim
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Remi
Your Roleplay Name: Remi Capone
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460252457

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: running in front of a cop car

Why should this appeal be considered?: I feel as if this is a fair thing , banned for 3 days because i ran in front of a cop car that wasnt even going fast? it was harmless and a joke i dont really think thats worth a whole 3 day ban. I feel as if Mim was being a bit unfair towards me as it was purely harmful and this was exessive , I said that im sorry and its a joke and i get given a 3 day ban? That cant be fair , plus im pretty sure ive never been banned for 3.4 before , even so this is so exessive , at the end of the day its only a 3 day ban but still i think it isnt valid

Additional Information: can someone other than Mim reply to this please , as i feel like Mim has just been unfair and will carry on to be unfair
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Regardless of whether or not you did your actions as a "joke", it is still unnecessarily putting your life in danger by running out in front of a moving vehicle that was going 25mph which, realistically, can cause serious injuries and/or death and as demonstrated by the incident, you running out in the front of the car resulted in you becoming unconscious as a result. Furthermore, I would also argue that the length of your ban is not excessive as your two most recent warnings are for 3.4 violations and you've had 4 bans in 2021 so far.

Reviewed with myself and @Double J
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