- Messages
- 6
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- Points
- 100
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Moonyx
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months
Your Steam Name: Hlias
Your Roleplay Name: Ilias Kasidiaris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526721348
Why were you punished?: 1.6, 6.2 - User used an anti-AFK script; when asked about it, they claimed they were not.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello PERPHeads Community and Administrators,
Thank you for reviewing this dispute first off, i've been falsely banned today.
I would like to explain the situation in detail to put some context into you all.
I have been banned for anti-afk / scripts, although i do have zero knowledge in scripts or any kind of third party software, which im willing to get my PC checked regarding t his too as well. (according to 6.2)
Meanwhile i've been shown a clip by an administrator of me spinning around and looks like im using scripts before the ban was issued, i highly think this was due to a bug of some sort or a simple mouse error (i do have a tiny desk, this never happened to me in gameplay although i've seen my mouse get freaky a bit like super sensitive if i leave it at the corner of my desk), although i must admit this is the first time i've came across something like this throughout my play time, this never happened before.
At the time of the incident i was ALT tabbed as well which i couldnt see anything in my screen at all, i've reviewed the demo myself in order to see what is wrong and what i was banned for since the clip i've been provided didnt provide much context and i wasnt satisfied.
Upon reviewing the demo, i've seen that i actually do spin around although i am %100 sure that im not scripting nor using anti-afk scripts (i can proudly say this because in the clip i'll provide and the banning administor provides im doing this move for like 40 seconds up to 1 minute, after this timeline i tab back in from the desktop, that is the part where everything fixes up.
Im not the kind of person to risk my whole play time with 3rd party software, let alone possess the knowledge of it.
I wasnt trying to bypass anti-afk as well, the server had low pop at the moment so i wouldnt be kicked anyways, who does this for 40 seconds - 1 minute? (I know rule 6.2 states 3rd party is not allowed in any extent scripts/macros e.t.c but common sense, no one would try anti-afking or using scripts to stay out of afk while the server was low pop)
Im also honestly confused regarding the situation, im willing to get my PC checked and provide everything required for this ban to be lifted, my confusion can be understood because i've actually went through my 4-5 hour long demos to find what i exactly did wrong, finally coming to the part where i spin around retardedly due to a mouse bug or a alt tab issue (im no expert, i honestly dont know) for 40 seconds - 1 minute.
I request administrators to investigate this more thoroughly please, i enjoy this community and i strongly believe this is a false ban, as i've said above im willing to prove everything if required.
Im also attaching the clip of me doing this checking my own demos, to provide some more context.
Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jzlVxjMQ8fQkRTZIF?invite=cr-MSxLaUssMzAwMTg5MjY4LA
This is the part of the demo of me spinning around.
Full Demo: https://www.mediafire.com/file/b1e67m1xwyhfn1i/perpheads_demo_2025-1-26_15-48-19.dem/file
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Moonyx
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months
Your Steam Name: Hlias
Your Roleplay Name: Ilias Kasidiaris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526721348
Why were you punished?: 1.6, 6.2 - User used an anti-AFK script; when asked about it, they claimed they were not.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello PERPHeads Community and Administrators,
Thank you for reviewing this dispute first off, i've been falsely banned today.
I would like to explain the situation in detail to put some context into you all.
I have been banned for anti-afk / scripts, although i do have zero knowledge in scripts or any kind of third party software, which im willing to get my PC checked regarding t his too as well. (according to 6.2)
Meanwhile i've been shown a clip by an administrator of me spinning around and looks like im using scripts before the ban was issued, i highly think this was due to a bug of some sort or a simple mouse error (i do have a tiny desk, this never happened to me in gameplay although i've seen my mouse get freaky a bit like super sensitive if i leave it at the corner of my desk), although i must admit this is the first time i've came across something like this throughout my play time, this never happened before.
At the time of the incident i was ALT tabbed as well which i couldnt see anything in my screen at all, i've reviewed the demo myself in order to see what is wrong and what i was banned for since the clip i've been provided didnt provide much context and i wasnt satisfied.
Upon reviewing the demo, i've seen that i actually do spin around although i am %100 sure that im not scripting nor using anti-afk scripts (i can proudly say this because in the clip i'll provide and the banning administor provides im doing this move for like 40 seconds up to 1 minute, after this timeline i tab back in from the desktop, that is the part where everything fixes up.
Im not the kind of person to risk my whole play time with 3rd party software, let alone possess the knowledge of it.
I wasnt trying to bypass anti-afk as well, the server had low pop at the moment so i wouldnt be kicked anyways, who does this for 40 seconds - 1 minute? (I know rule 6.2 states 3rd party is not allowed in any extent scripts/macros e.t.c but common sense, no one would try anti-afking or using scripts to stay out of afk while the server was low pop)
Im also honestly confused regarding the situation, im willing to get my PC checked and provide everything required for this ban to be lifted, my confusion can be understood because i've actually went through my 4-5 hour long demos to find what i exactly did wrong, finally coming to the part where i spin around retardedly due to a mouse bug or a alt tab issue (im no expert, i honestly dont know) for 40 seconds - 1 minute.
I request administrators to investigate this more thoroughly please, i enjoy this community and i strongly believe this is a false ban, as i've said above im willing to prove everything if required.
Im also attaching the clip of me doing this checking my own demos, to provide some more context.
Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jzlVxjMQ8fQkRTZIF?invite=cr-MSxLaUssMzAwMTg5MjY4LA
This is the part of the demo of me spinning around.
Full Demo: https://www.mediafire.com/file/b1e67m1xwyhfn1i/perpheads_demo_2025-1-26_15-48-19.dem/file