Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: yintoni mfondini
Your Roleplay Name: Shaquille Black
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:587262480

Why were you punished?: I moved to give a guy space when he said "hands" i dont know the number and allat

Why should this appeal be considered?: I don't feel like this ban is proper since all i tried to do was give him some space so he could actually enter the building, when a person comes at your door and threatens you with a gun i dont feel like i should be banned for reacting normally and not just frozen blocking him from entiring. Even if i would've just frozen i think he would have shot me because i would have been blocking him. and when i moved i was for some reason breaking his "commands". I genuinely enjoy playing on the server but when stuff like this happens and all im trying to be is reasonable, it cant stay fun for me. Please consider this unban appeal, i don't think its that serious that i just try to give him some space, i didn't even shoot him or nothing.
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You correctly moved out of the way to allow the gunman into the property where he thereafter turned his attention away from you.

I would suggest binding surrender via F1 so you can easily surrender if required.

This was on the fringe of breaking 3.4, had the gunman not turned his attention away from you then it would have been a violation.

@A1L @3izu @Tilin
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