Ban Dispute (Olly)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Oddy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: TMAC2023
Your Roleplay Name: Donald Makarov
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:611504473

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 5.1 - The player disarmed a player outside his base taking him inside to mug him, after being left unattended the victim managed to leave the scene of his mugging only to be shot a minute later by the same player.

Why should this appeal be considered?: In the middle of raiding a property that did belong to him and another person he ran inside only to see us aiming guns at him , he tried to leave but we told him to put his hands up and get in the corne inside and get into the corner , we told him to stay were he was , also right after zip tieing ( this wasnt a mugging like the admin said this was a raid , this shows he clearly didnt check logs at all ) him we see a cop car that most likely saw us so we retreated to the back aimed and attempted to flee while watching him from a distance , he starting to run towards the officer and I said in gamechat if you move ill kill you ( Maybe he didnt hear me ) . After seeing him talking to a officer I started shooting at him resulting in him and the officer dieing , considering we told him to stay where he was and it was a active raid with guns still drawn I think it was valid , why dosent this apply when someone comes into a projex armed and then leaves ? He was a known associate of the building and ive seen him before . Can I also get the demo because what your saying isnt matching up to what actually happened at all .
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" The player disarmed a player outside his base taking him inside to mug him " He was at the door of the base it and it was 2ms after he ran in we had him gunpointed , you cant just unlock the front door walk inside and the mits of walking out not expect to be shot or told to put your hands up , we didnt do this to mug him we did it to make sure no one countered , and since we'd both seen him move in and out of that base multiple times and unlock it we knew it was him , I dont understand why the admin lies and says this was a mugging this wasnt a mugging it was a raid and im skeptical if he even reviewed logs or demo's
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" The player disarmed a player outside his base taking him inside to mug him " He was at the door of the base it and it was 2ms after he ran in we had him gunpointed , you cant just unlock the front door walk inside and the mits of walking out not expect to be shot or told to put your hands up , we didnt do this to mug him we did it to make sure no one countered , and since we'd both seen him move in and out of that base multiple times and unlock it we knew it was him , I dont understand why the admin lies and says this was a mugging this wasnt a mugging it was a raid and im skeptical if he even reviewed logs or demo's

You realise you zip tied and then removed items from him?

That’s a mugging.
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It would have been acceptable to force him to surrender and zip tie however stealing his items constitutes a mugging, which was done so in public view.

The officer you shot was unaware of the incident and you could have easily left without drawing attention to yourself instead of shooting the officer. On top of that you had no reason to shoot the person as he was just trying to get freed from his zip ties and there was no reason to shoot him.

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