Ban Dispute (phoondos)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: kormoran
Your Roleplay Name: Grzegorz Chrzascz
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:242821604

Why were you punished?: Killing someone who verbally harassed me

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello I would like to appeal a three day ban for the player "Grzegorz Chrzascz" as I believe his ban was unjustified due to blatant favoritism and possible corruption.

The player "Grzegorz Chrzascz" obviously was not justified in shooting the other player, but earlier that day another individual did the same thing but was only warned, we have footage of the similar case. I will go through the situation previous to the clip after and before.

The clip begins with the individual being chased by a group of people, how did this happen? I believe you can request demo but the individual posting the clip says that he had to push one of the group members out of the way as they were blocking the entrance to the bazaar, whether this is on purpose to bother players is irrelevant but should be looked at. Upon following the individual in the clip the entire group began berating "Grzegorz Chrzascz" to the point where he even reports it to the officer.
This same officer then excuses the situation and is very obviously seen running towards the parking lot beside puffermart. Note the player "Garret Parsley", this is the moderator that handled this case and was seen in the very group harassing "Grzegorz Chrzascz" while laughing at the jokes said by "Mal Goldberg" the main harasser. Subsequently after telling the officer the individual in the clip is (1) seen looking at a gun priced at $1,899 the group harassing the player also notably sees this and calls it out verbally. (2) The player then bought the gun infront of the group, and pulls it out only to see the (3) "Mal Goldberg" WALK TOWARDS "Grzegorz Chrzascz". (4) The player with the gun then proceeds to embarrasingly miss 4 shots out of 7 at "Mal Goldberg".

There are 4 extremely important points in this story to point out, all of which show there is no fear given from the player, "Mal Goldberg" who is doing the majority of harassing.
This is a blatant example of baiting players into potentially breaking rules, after the points given I will explain the most damning evidence of all.

(1) The group pointed out that the individual in the clip was pulling out $2,000 to spend on a gun that the group knew was under $2,000 and existed.
(2) The player in the clip then bought the gun infront of the entire group, this point and the previous should have resulted in the group either reporting it to the officer or running away.
(3) Upon pulling out the gun "Mal Goldberg" moved towards the possible shooter and stood still.
(4) 7 shots were fired and 4 of them were misses. After the first four embarrassing shots "Mal Goldberg" stood still not reacting to being almost shot four times.
This is evidence that "Mal Goldberg" knew that the person who was shooting was going to get punished immediately, but also happens to break 3.4 at the same time which If he was not warned about is FURTHER evidence of blatant favoritism and corruption.

Do you remember "Garret Parsley"? This was the moderator who handled the case, if the same moderator didn't warn the group for 2.5 and/or 3.4 then thats verifiable evidence of corruption and mismanagement.

To re-iterate this is not justifiable to shoot someone over harassment, but this should not yield a 3 day ban, at most this should be in my opinion 1-3 days of a probationary period at the worst and at the very minimum a very strong warning.
Earlier in the day there was, like i said a example exactly the same as this one play out and the player who shot for "harassment" was (warned) for 3.4
"Grzegorz Chrzascz" would gladly apologize for their actions, and is remorseful for getting banned as he is a huge fan of the server. I understand that a lot of newer players get caught for 3.4 and unjustified murder, but what does not help retain playerbase is a group of players knowing that they have a moderator on their side baiting others into breaking rules. The final point of evidence is the very group leader "Mal Goldberg" was seen at the bazaar by another player gloating about how he is "glad to be friends with the mods", this players RP name is "Thomas Shelberton" there was possible more as well. The final nail in the coffin was his expressed joy on the 3 day punishment which he verbally yelled in the bazaar.

For any further inquiries please contact Greggory Skittle in game as he is in game right now and will be playing for 8 hours.

Additional Information: Person who denied the appeal was an enforcer and not a moderator/admin so I'm asking for another review due to potential favoritism and corruption.

This was already denied - Make a staff complaint. If you had read the message, you would have realized that it was dealt with several individuals who are higher ranked.
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