Ban Dispute (rxsm)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: rxsm
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: DnChops
Your Roleplay Name: Jonothan Chops
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:593553400

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.7, 3.4 - User disobeyed gunpoint pulling out a pistol because he was tabbed out, not allowing him to hear a player gunpointing him from behind

Why should this appeal be considered?: watch my video you can clearly see that i still have my ingame sound when im tabbed out. also i dont know if you noticed or not but it seems quiet obvious to me that if you have someone infront of you with a gun out, and someone behind you saying put ur hands up your obviously going to think its the person infront of you saying hands up, and naturally as he doesnt have you under gunpoint your going to pull a gun out. pretty hard to distinguish where sound is coming from when its not even maybe 3 or 4 steps behind or infront of you especially when you tab out and in and u have no clue whats going on.

This was going to be my appeal until i actually watched my clip and looked at what happened

Im not even sure what to say, i think my POV is pretty explanatory on why i want to dispute this ban and why i shouldnt be banned.

Walk into my apartment, check my phone, tab out 1 second, tab back in, theres a guy inside my apartment saying put ur hands up and doesnt have me under gunpoint, i shoot him and get killed out of nowhere


Communication Banned
Reaction score
proceeded to replay my clip frame by frame. dont think the person behind me was in frame a single time
Reaction score
London, United Kingdom

We have reviewed both @rxmeo's clip and your clip. This is perhaps the most bizarre episode, at least I have ever seen, of unfortunate timing. As such your ban will be removed from your record.

We want to make it absolutely clear that in the absence of you having provided your POV to @rxmeo at the time, his judgement was correct, and we see no fault in that. While we appreciate you told him in the report that you had to go, you should at least have attempted to give him your clip as it is likely he would have come to a different conclusion.

Reviewed with @Collier, @Ellie and @steelo
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