Ban Dispute (scrabuz)

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Man idk where i live
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Alex Daman
Your Roleplay Name: Alex Walker
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:570747274

Why were you punished?: 1.6, 3.4 - User started a shootout with police over a traffic offense, then disconnected with a ticket open with them.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i did not start a shootout over a ticket i started it because i just ended someones life at docks and cops responded and they knew it was me and my friends so we fled to subs i ran into my apartment and cops then came in so i started shooting since i was pretty much 10 toes

Additional Information: Plus afk when you send the report and had to do shit
Involved So when alex killed someone i was the driver that actually drove the vehicle a cop wanted to get us out but we were quick enough to flee and then pretty much the entire pd came and we fled to subs where we all jumped and ran different ways i then heard how the house where alex was was getting raided and that was it he was afk for a long time + while we were driving i told aleks if they try to arrest him for the murder he can fight back

Why did you return to the house? Apparently none of your friends were detained/arrested there, you came back there just to shoot the officers

Why did you return to the house? Apparently none of your friends were detained/arrested there, you came back there just to shoot the officers
i talked to Alex and he said he came back because he thought i got arrested after i randomly left teamspeak
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its not in english but the other friend says at 11:14 ''We have to stop them'' i assume he said that because alex said i might be getting arrested but im just assuming since i couldnt hear what alex was saying in the clip
Tobias was asking garret was being arrested and then he left the ts and i thought he was being arrested aswell

You should've probably at least investigated that before just running up to the house when cops were leaving and then just shooting them lol or got your friend to confirm for you before you just rushing in
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