Ban Dispute (steelo)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: Vaginal discharge
Your Roleplay Name: Johnathonlickson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191272381

Why were you punished?: killing people at bazar who were actively participating in a raid on my base

Why should this appeal be considered?: People were raiding my base from bazar so I killed them. Steelo argues that I broke 3.4 because he is treating it as a counter raid, but I'd say it was just a base defense seeing as you can't counter raid your own home. I was told that if I wanted to defend my base by flanking, I would need to be closer to the property. That makes no sense seeing as they are allowed to raid from that far, but I can't flank from that far. That is a grey area in the rules that would be easy to fix. Add 2 new rules "you cannot participate in a raid unless you are on the premises of the property" and "you may not defend against a raid unless you are on the premises of the property" this simple solution would avoid future problems like this, even the playing field for raiders/defenders and help with groups taking over whole sections of the city for a raid on one property. It just seems unfair to say that someone can sit at bazar picking your people off but you can't go over there and kill them.

Additional Information: Anyone reading this feel free to input your thoughts/opinions I'd like to see everyone's perspectives.

Also if you don't understand something I said ask for clarification sorry I'm not very good at writing.

also ask for any details I may have missed
Reaction score

Please provide some video evidence. Whether it is a clip or a demo with a provided tick.
You have 48 hours to upload it and post it here, otherwise we'll proceed without it.
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