Ban Dispute (Valentine)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Valentine
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Witherower
Your Roleplay Name: Lorenzo Fumagalli
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:514506121

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: "1.2, 1.6 - The player has used an offensive word and although there was clear evidence of it, the player failed to respond truthfully during the sit"

Why should this appeal be considered?:
This appeal should be considered because I only just realised what I actually said, I knew I didn't say anything bad, I was so god damn confused when the admin grabbed me with the gravity gun and said "Why did you just say that?!" I had 2 admins saying I said it and that actually lead me to believe I said it.

Additional Information: If you have ears you can realise this is a false ban. Jesus, I was so confused, I watched the clip the admin got of me and I believed I said it even though I don't. I understand why you would think I said it, even I thought lmao, I only just realised I actually didn't, Mostly because of my bad mic.
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Oh yeah, I forgot to put what I actually said, I said "What's happening here???" cause I saw this guy beating him with a stick, You can see "What's happening here???" sounds so much better than the other thing you thought I said, it just sounds like it.
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I obviously won't be a part of dealing with this dispute, A1L has allowed me to reply to this thread so I can make my point, during the whole sit, you've stated nothing but "I might've said it, I don't know" although I've asked if you watched the video or not. If you aren't aware of what comes out of your own mouth, I can't be expected to sit down and do a full-on phonetic analysis on it. I've enquired you so many times about what you said priorly during the admin sit, and since I & the helper who made the report thought we heard the use of an offensive word, I've decided to go ahead and ban you for it and all of these added, I believe everyone would issue a punishment in my boots.

I don't know why you've sentenced this dispute as if we were manipulating you into believing that you've said it when you were only being questioned. If you aren't even aware of what you've said, then failed to let me know that you were actually saying something else during that situation when brought up to the admin sit, it is no doubt that you will be banned. Don't get me wrong, I'm not making any assumptions about your personality, etc. however I need you to realize that you should've made a proper statement during the sit for me to be able to assess clearer. At the end of the day, I went ahead and acted upon what I & the other helper have both heard
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I obviously won't be a part of dealing with this dispute, A1L has allowed me to reply to this thread so I can make my point, during the whole sit, you've stated nothing but "I might've said it, I don't know" although I've asked if you watched the video or not. If you aren't aware of what comes out of your own mouth, I can't be expected to sit down and do a full-on phonetic analysis on it. I've enquired you so many times about what you said priorly during the admin sit, and since I & the helper who made the report thought we heard the use of an offensive word, I've decided to go ahead and ban you for it and all of these added, I believe everyone would issue a punishment in my boots.

I don't know why you've sentenced this dispute as if we were manipulating you into believing that you've said it when you were only being questioned. If you aren't even aware of what you've said, then failed to let me know that you were actually saying something else during that situation when brought up to the admin sit, it is no doubt that you will be banned. Don't get me wrong, I'm not making any assumptions about your personality, etc. however I need you to realize that you should've made a proper statement during the sit for me to be able to assess clearer. At the end of the day, I went ahead and acted upon what I & the other helper have both heard
I'm not blaming anything on you, it's just a misunderstanding? And I'm pointing that out. You were saying like "You said it." "We have it on recording." or something and that lead me to believe that I actually said it, basically it really confused me, and I didn't want to look like I was obviously lying. It's just my bad mic and the way I said it, I did nothing wrong here.
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I'm not blaming anything on you, it's just a misunderstanding? And I'm pointing that out. You were saying like "You said it." "We have it on recording." or something and that lead me to believe that I actually said it, basically it really confused me, and I didn't want to look like I was obviously lying. It's just my bad mic and the way I said it, I did nothing wrong here.
I didn't tell you at the time cause it literally sounds like I'm actually saying it and that's really confusing me, and plus I forgotten what I actually said, I forget things.
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