Ban Dispute [Zexinity_ & ALOO89]

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Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Moderator: Mcglinchy

Your Steam Name: Zexinity // ALOO89
Your In-game Name: Toby James // Leonard Mayfair
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:151129350 // STEAM_0:0:169228602

Why were you banned?: 3.2 - User used Steam Chat to communicate with someone in a raid.
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: We both have been banned for ''using'' steam chat in a raid. What happend was that leonard got shot and said ''Hold me'' but he then also send to me in steam ''Hold door''. I was already holding the door from when i got shot as you can see in the video, I didnt respond to the message he send me on steam. But i still got banned for ''Using steam chat as information whilst raiding''. So I don't know how i could use ''Hold door'' as info as i was already holding the door in the raid.

Additional Comment(s): Mcglinchy told me before banning me if I had proof of me already holding the door and Leonard saying in-game ''Hold me'' send it to me on the forums in a PM. Which I did, he couldnt get anyone to discuss it with before thursday, and he said if she couldnt get anyone he would go through it himself. But it's already sunday now and Mcglinchy left to Mexico and he still hasnt responded to the dispute in the PM's. I made this here so maybe someone else could respond to the dispute, As Mcglinchy is on holidays.
Evidence (Required for all server bans):
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first at all it was my bad

Zexinity was holding door Before i told him to and i told him ig then i told him in steam he didnt answers me or say anything
i dont know why zexinity got ban when he didnt do anything wrong it was all my fault , even if i didnt tell him in steam it wont change anything bc he was holding the door

if someone shod get ban it will be me not him bc i told him in steam (HOLD THE DOOR) and he didnt answer me like he wont care if i tell him or no

i dont know how you guys work but if you will say both of us shod get ban then when i be in shootout with stuff member that I dont like him i will steam massg him so he get him demot

at the end i want to say sorry for @Zexinity bc he didnt do anything wrong it was all my fault
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Berlin, Germany
The video shows that you were, in fact, holding the door when the raid started and seemed to have no intention of stopping regardless of the Steam message. That being said, @ALOO89 tried to influence the situation as, to his knowledge, you could've have been trying to enter the apartment.

Your ban will be removed, @ALOO89's ban will stay.

Reviewed with:
@Cole @blobvis 2.0 @Super_
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