ban dispute

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Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: @blobvis 2.0

Your Steam Name: aloo89
Your In-game Name: leonard mayfair
Your Steam ID:

Why were you banned?: 3.4, 3.26 - user decided to run from cops over $20k and kill them (with the help of his buddies) in the process, user also stalled really long with dropping his firearm after a /me was made
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: first at all i scam the guy for 20k i take the 20k and drive away the cops stop us and was going to take 20k from me so i I decided to scaip and save 20k i think 20k worth my life bc if you give some one 10k and tell him to kill some one he will kill (but you shod have reason ) mean the guy who take 10k he put hes life in risk for not really good reason same as bank raid if you rob bank and thear 3 cops on dute you willget 10-20k mean you put your life in risk for maxum 10k about 3.24 i drop my gun after 3 mins after admin sit dealing with us

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The 20k you risked your life for was gained with no risk, loss or injury to yourself and therefore starting a shootout with police, realistically, was grossly disproportionate to the value you would have kept.

The example you've provided regarding bank robberies is completely unrelated to this situation as there is a possibility to receive a much greater payout from the bank, and the crimes you commit whilst robbing the bank warrant the murder of police.

The ban reason will be amended to - 3.4, 3.26 - User started a shootout with government officials over 20k which he gained with minimal risk, loss, or injury. Realistically, the risk of this action was grossly disproportionate to the value gained and the situation. The user also stalled and failed to comply with a /me in a timely manner.

Reviewed with @Collier @Royhb
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