Ban Request - 3 swat members.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Garrett Woodfield
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Garrett Woodfield

Your Steam/In-game Name: xAl3xTh3Sn0wM4n / Alex Zaigar
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ben Anderson, 2 other swat members you'll see names in video.
His/Her SteamID:No idea, dont have their steam names.
Reason: I had the cop hostage, the cop told swat multiple times to not go in, the swat kept moving in, cop even told swat he was gonna get killed, and guess what it ended in? 1 dead swat, 1 dead hostage. And of course me, making me lose my Ak47 with mag. I would also like that refunded.

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The Swat Should have stayed back until they thought of a plan instead of rushing in. I guess allot of cops don't look at radio chat. +Support
Special - This doesn't mean special as in "I need a special class because my brain doesn't work right", but as in they're extraordinary, and know what they're doing.
Weapons - Special Weapons AKA M4A1 and all that. Coolio.
Tactics - They can make up tactics for every situation, with the end result being the least deaths, and all citizens to be safe.

Now, the SWAT in this video, they should be called WAT. Weapons And Trouble.
There's no way they could possibly believe that their plan of rushing in would work. The officer would die, so they'd lose the one and only hostage. This would make them get demoted by a chance between 99-100% Their plan was completely unrealistic. They should at least have tried to negotiate.

I have no idea what I just said. +support
we as swat must think on our feet and when we got there there was shooting and officers down we saw people pointing guns and made the decision to shoot. the officer who was hostage got revived and all the suspects were taken down. we had to think quick to stop others dying and it worked. also a swat officer especially wouldn't watch that happen they would shoot . anyway you said it after we were proceeding to open fire or as we did and you were also shooting at us anyway we wont just watch you know, we also got guns.

we didn't know he was in there its on the radio he never gave a good location or anything we were after the guys on the wall if you watch it.
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Clear proof, that is all that matters. I know this is a hypocritical comment, but you should have roleplayed that a little better and pay more attention to the radio. One more thing, the Officer in this video threw away his radio which was clearly said, how could he then tell the swat to leave if he didn't have a radio?

Not too sure on what to say right now.
Also I want to point out that all Ben Anderson does is ignore the LT's commands when he doesn't like them and insult EVERYONE over the police radio.
When i read this BR I have Now Realised That it was A hostage Situation as i had To go to the toliet at the time and when i came back i was litterally being ordered to Raise my weapon And Shoot And That of which i was Not Paying attention to the radio as i Was focused on Completing My orders. Now Realising What The situation Was I highly Regret My actions And whouldnt of Completed my actions if i knew The situation from the start.
  • If you watch the footage we are already being shot at and shooting back and are half way into the fight. they were tucked in a corner and the guy said he has no radio they have it. Then we don't even know they are there until after we come back from the wall.
Please provide the actual demo (with tick). It will give us a better idea of the situation as it has become quite complicated.
Theres no reason for a demo. I showed everything that happend here i also used drive mode.
On phone... I will upload demo in s few hours im in school atm.
Close this thread, can't remember the time of the incident, so i cant provide demo, even though i dont think its neccesary when i have the video... but whatever.
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