Ban request 4x

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [EBBZC]-=Bilbo Swaggins=- Ebbe Kvisthector

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Im only writing the ingame names, since it would be a pain the bum to find all the steam names: Roddy Brown, Josh Vankasteren, Kevin Bradbrosclauszi, Sven Hommerson

His/Her SteamID: ^
2 many 4 me ^

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
So as you can see in the video, i get my car and this dud in a black car rammed it. I then park the car and ask him why he did it and told him to stop. Then they pulled out a baseball bat and started to beat me up. I then ran over to the cops and said they were trying to beat me up. The cops had other stuff to take care of so they ignored it. I then walked back to the MCuwes where the guys had walked in, and sung "Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat" and they afterwards pull out a rifle and shoot me. The guy who killed me is ( Steam name: modspot, SteamID: STEAM_0:0:66179426 ), but there were 2 people shooting me.

Total rules broken: 3.4 3.6

Evidence (Demo Required):

I give my full +Support to this. The police would've obviously heard those gunshots and seen your life alert. They had no valid reason to kill you.
3.4 | 3.6 | 2.5 | 1.4 | 2.1

1.4 | They created unnecessary problems both OOCly and ICly, one is having to create a BR, go through demo's. Getting steam ID's, steam names, IG names, etc.

2.5 | They killed you for no reason leading you to wait a full 5 minutes to respawn for no reason, in this case it is excessively negative as they had no reason to kill you

3.4 | They risked their life and imprisonment for their actions they have taken, one of them is law | 5.3 : Third degree murder.

3.6 | By breaking 3.4, having a chance of getting S.W.A.T. Called upon them over the weapon they used, they broke 3.6 in the process. Typically any player must do everything in their power to stay alive. In this case they would most likely be raided with force for the actions they have taken leading to this rule being broken.

2.1 | One of them with a shotgun jumped onto a cash register like it was nothing, IMO this is unrealistic.



There are rules broken on your side aswell.

3.4 | Putting your life at risk

3.3 | You did not react to the weapons being drawn from behind the shelves where as a normal citizen unarmed and never intended to commit crimes would run the shit out of there as fast as humanly possible. Even call
for your own safety.

tl;dr: They broke 1.4 2.5 3.4 3.6

You broke 3.4 and 3.3
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I don't know why you would walk into our property after someone pulled a bat on you and you got beat up. You stood there in the doorway blocking it from closing which just pissed us off more. I myself didn't shoot I just pointed my gun to get you to back off but I do +support the fact that it was RDM and unrealistic when the other guy with the remington killed you near the cops
+ Support

He definatelly knew the cops were right there. Killing him would only result in result in more problems for them and risking their lifes breaking 3.4. The shooter deserves a ban, I dont think the others did something wrong but like Ebbe said in the demo, I think they used skype or anything related.
I plus support this ban request, however the fact that you went back to the people that just attacked you is clearly breaking 3.4 too. You should have simply avoided the men, rather than go back to confront them...
+Support clearly breaking 2.5, 1.4, 3.4, 3.6 as they rdmed you, over such a minor traffic incident. And i don't understand why they would start beating you either, that's 3.4 aswell as there were cops nearby and they were the ones who caused the incident..
Seems like you broke 3.4 and 2.1, you got hit multiple times and you still came back and when he had a gun pointed at you, you didn't react, you stood there and took 2 shots from him and didn't attempt to escape.
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"Hey I almost got beaten up by those guys"

"I don't care"
"No Ash. We don't care"

*Bilbo dies 5 seconds later because ignorance of the cops*

"Oh look he died, what happend?!"

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like said before, the shooter wasn't allowed to shoot you for that ( I myself didnt shoot didn't even take my gun out ) BUT you were yelling 'Yeah Beat me up, come on beat me up, beat me. Which was pissing us of and resulted in you being hit ( again I wasn't hitting you ) and even after you got hit you still followed us to our own property and starting singing something and blocking the door from closing. ( BTW there was only 1 guy shooting I think )
Hello again, Josh Vankasteren here(The red bald guy) just wanted to point out that I didn't really do too much here in my opinion. Yes, I did in fact punch you. Why? You were constantly shouting ''hit me then'' or stuff in that sense, and when we were still just standing close to you(around the 1:00 mark, a bit before and while we were punching you I think.) I also wanted to say I was not involved in the shooting, I was not in the mart nor was I involved with the idea of shooting you. I agree, I broke a rule by punching. Not denying that in any way or form. However, if I was by punching you breaking the rule of doing all I can to stay alive/not get arrested. So were you, seeing as you shouted ''hit me then'' several times and then proceeded running away.

To summarise:I only punched you, I did not insult you, I did not shoot you(Didn't even have a gun on me) and was not involved on what happened near the Mart shooting.
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I see a lot of replies about Bilbo walking back to their place after they warned him to leave, very few of you are actually focusing on the situation before that happened.

I am not quite sure about whether or not Roddy's reversing into Bilbo's care was intentional or not but if it was, he would be breaking rule 3.15. For Roddy and his group of friends to then act aggressively with the baseball bats is completely unnecessary.

For Bilbo to walk towards the building does not necessarily mean that he was looking to get his ass wooped again, he may have went there to have a simple conversation with those who the officers were too ignorant and "busy" to deal with. For Bilbo to get shot dead over such a unnecessary situation is plain unrealistic. In real life, you would not shoot or try to harm another person if they wanted to have a conversation about damage dealt to their vehicle, unless you were some kind of crackhead.

As for the officers, the way their simply ignored another situation due to there already being a situation at hand is quite dumb, they could have at=least called for more units to deal with the situation which in-turn may have lead to Bilbo not going to deal with the situation himself.

Overall, this situation was plain unnecessary and problem causing.

I completely agree with Zan, it doesn't look like he rammed Bilbo on purpose but IRL, you would want to find out details to follow up the insurance claim. Also if he got hit with a bat IRL and ran to the police about 20 metres away there would be visible damage to show he was hit (e.g, a red mark, a bruise) Also following them to puffer less than 10 metres away, you wouldn't expect him to get shot because the police were so close to him, he was merely finding out why his car got hit.

There wasn't a RP reason to shoot Bilbo at all especially since there was police so close and he wasn't on your property, just at the entrance, he didn't pose any type of threat to the four and the police would have heard the shots, called for swat and the four would have been killed/arrested for murder. At the end of the day, the kill wasn't necessary.
What the fuck are you even doing.. they give you several chances to fuck off.. but you dont. You stay and taunting them several times. You deserved to die when you followed them into the store. I would like to hear what you said to them tho, I cant hear you in the demo.
+/- Neutral
As what it is seen in the video they have broken a few rules as I have seen.

2.5 - They used an unreasonable amount of force on acting on you like that.If he had a reason to kill you he could of obv this would not be taken as rule breakage.

3.4 - They fired a firearm at you(Keeping in mind firearms are very loud).They should of not acted upon you doing the way they did while the police are down the road.Which was mostly putting their freedom at risk but if the cops proceeded to shoot at them it would be putting their life.

2.1 - Preforming an unrealistic action doing that they killed you with cops so close would be pretty unrealistic.The cops would of easily heard the shots.

While I cannot hear you voice from what I have seen they have broken those rules.Obviously if they have a valid reason they can do the acts they have preformed.I would also like to see different POV and I can see the other people involved of what he was saying and what he was doing.If they include their demos I will be able to confirm a + support or a - minus support.

Police were nearby and could see them beating him.

He did not enter the property, but he stood at the door and tried to talk to them.

They killed him while he was standing in a public place in view of civilians and police alike.

Why the bloody hell has this not been accepted before?!
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