Ban Request. (Denied)

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Your Steam/In-game Name: YoloMuffins|Brian Bishop
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bamarin|Leanardo Trapani
His/Her SteamID: -
Reason: We were about to raid regal we got our guns our and he killed my friend.
if is that a reason (someone said RDM in-game) i can explain that i hear you since you come with the car, i heard the car stopping and almost everithing u said that was enought to understand the you were about to raid me (you were whispering in vocal chat) then since i killed that guy while he was holding the gun mean it wasn't RDM. The last thing i want to say you is that you and i don't know if also someone other( the guy the shothed trought the door) are getting banned for wallbang and breaking 5.1 ([...]nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period[...]) you were about to raid me so i think it can be applied anyway
3.3 2.1, So you heard through the wall, you killed a man with a gun, without enough proof hes raiding you. You should defend your base in the room, not on the stairs. Just because we pulled in, and had guns on us doesn't mean we are raiding you. And if we were to raid you ir would be the first time. Wallbaning is allowed, but not to gov employees. There is no 5.1 law broken.
well if people are walking with guns out on attack stance on the stairs in that building then you can be pretty shure that they are coming to raid you.
Yeah, as draftking said, attack stance coming upwards to your apartment, quite obivious whats going on, Bamarin is a good player which i believe did not RDM here.
Footage has been watched by myself; and be strictly honest from what I've seen Bamarin did nothing wrong. As he says he saw you coming from his window (where it looked pretty obvious that a group of guys were about to raid him) with a gun ready to take action. It wasn't RDM because "Your friend" Brian Husky had a weapon out as well so I doubt Bamarin is just going to stand there mindlessly while he shoots him dead.

Perhaps if your friend didn't have a gun out and he was just walking up the strairs, then it could be classed as RDM, but you had a gun out, you were a threat so that = death to you.

Therefore I have no doubt than to deny this ban request.

Ban request denied.

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