Ban Request - Failrp Raman

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First of all, we could use a better explanation as to what exactly happened. Second, it would be nice if you could tell us where exactly in the demo we're supposed to look, so that we don't have to scan through the entire thing.
After reviewing the demo i cant give my full opinion on whether raman broke 6.1 / 6.2. If he didnt know you or hadent of had any confontations with you ( In his IG lifetime ) then he indeed did break it. I'll go -Neutral - Due to the fact that im not sure if raman has or did have any other encounters with you.
MrLewis122 said:
After reviewing the demo i cant give my full opinion on whether raman broke 6.1 / 6.2. If he didnt know you or hadent of had any confontations with you ( In his IG lifetime ) then he indeed did break it. I'll go -Neutral - Due to the fact that im not sure if raman has or did have any other encounters with you.
Ok thanks for your time. ;)
Okay, regarding me saying hello to alabin was not breaking those rules. Since the entire belinsky family knows of alabin.

And you. When we had another member of your org captured. He told us everything about you. How you look, age, name, everything you could possibly think of. So before you make a ban request. Please get your facts straight.

And you cant say that it was only I that broke those rules. Since there were 3 cars taking you. I came later.
Denied, They knew who you were and what car to look for because of me, You threatened me at Church - I followed you guys and you drove that car.
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